Addicted and in Therapy
I need some help. I've got two croaking gouramis who, in the past few months, have become extremely shy. When I got them they were in my 6 gallon tank with a dwarf gourami female, platies, and cherry barbs. Then the cherry barbs started showing signs of parasites, and since none of the 3 gouramis were showing signs, I moved them into my 5.5 gallon tank which had previously been used for betta breeding. They were fine all this time as far as coming to the top to eat, swimming in the open, etc...
However, more recently they have become SUPER shy. They spend almost all their time hiding under a rock, and when they do come out, it's in extremely short bursts of speed, and to hide in another place.
It's really depressing, I hate to see them this way. Also, when they eat, they rarely go to the top, but instead wait for it to float down, and then go out to snatch it. I thought perhaps the dwarf gourami was bullying them, so I moved her back to the 6 gallon (parasites are gone).. but no change. Then I bought two sparkling gouramis, but that hasn't made a difference either.
What can I do to help my poor scared fishies? They have plenty of hiding spaces, clean water, etc. I will move them back to the 6 gallon pretty soon if possible, but I would like them to be over this problem first, if possible. The only idea I had was to add a "dither fish" such as one of my zebra danio fry... However, perhaps this would do more harm than good?
Any suggestions? Thanks!
However, more recently they have become SUPER shy. They spend almost all their time hiding under a rock, and when they do come out, it's in extremely short bursts of speed, and to hide in another place.

What can I do to help my poor scared fishies? They have plenty of hiding spaces, clean water, etc. I will move them back to the 6 gallon pretty soon if possible, but I would like them to be over this problem first, if possible. The only idea I had was to add a "dither fish" such as one of my zebra danio fry... However, perhaps this would do more harm than good?