Conquering Shyness


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
I need some help. I've got two croaking gouramis who, in the past few months, have become extremely shy. When I got them they were in my 6 gallon tank with a dwarf gourami female, platies, and cherry barbs. Then the cherry barbs started showing signs of parasites, and since none of the 3 gouramis were showing signs, I moved them into my 5.5 gallon tank which had previously been used for betta breeding. They were fine all this time as far as coming to the top to eat, swimming in the open, etc...

However, more recently they have become SUPER shy. They spend almost all their time hiding under a rock, and when they do come out, it's in extremely short bursts of speed, and to hide in another place. :/ It's really depressing, I hate to see them this way. Also, when they eat, they rarely go to the top, but instead wait for it to float down, and then go out to snatch it. I thought perhaps the dwarf gourami was bullying them, so I moved her back to the 6 gallon (parasites are gone).. but no change. Then I bought two sparkling gouramis, but that hasn't made a difference either.

What can I do to help my poor scared fishies? They have plenty of hiding spaces, clean water, etc. I will move them back to the 6 gallon pretty soon if possible, but I would like them to be over this problem first, if possible. The only idea I had was to add a "dither fish" such as one of my zebra danio fry... However, perhaps this would do more harm than good? :dunno: Any suggestions? Thanks!
Hi juliethegr8t.
How much light is ther in the tank. I have a friend that has croaking gouramis and they really like a calm, moderately lit tank. He also found that some water sprite or other floating plant blocked some of the light and that helped them get out and about. His also dont like much activity outside the tank either. If you move to quick they are gone for hours...really shy guys. Anyway i hope this helps and wish you the best of luck trying to coax them out of hiding :)
tstenback - I actually had them in this tank before I had a light for it, so the behavior began before I actually turned on a light. They are better without it on, but not significantly. :dunno: Good suggestion though, thanks anyway.

dwarfs - I spend time with these two all the time! I watch them for quite awhile, as I have been trying to see if I could figure out what is causing or would help their shyness. Guess they're not the bonding type.. hehe.
I know that too. :) These are some of my very favorite fish, so I know quite a bit about them... that's why I am so confused. They have an Aquaclear Mini turned on low flow, and it doesn't make any noise.
Sheesh FM, I don't think he was kidding'around -_- :unsure:

But if you were......then......YA!!!!

Sorry to hear that Julie! My Silver Dollars are really getting me down lately. They are THE most skiddish and "scardey cat" fish I've EVER seen!!!! I think they make the whole tank nervous :lol: I don't know what to do about them either! :dunno:
Silver - Aww... they'd probably get along well with my croakers then. :p Hmph, frustrating tho, isn't it!! :X Good luck with your scaredy cats!
Do you have flourecent or incandecent light?

The reason I ask is if you have incandecent, you can try a different color light for pretty cheap. A 25w blue or green costs only $1.99-$2.99.

I have a beautiful male guppy in my 5.5g that would hardly ever leave his hiding spot. I put in a 25w blue bulb and now he swims around when it is on and alot more than before, when it's off. Kinda weird. :dunno:

Good luck. :)
After I saw your beauties, I've started my hunt for a couple. :shifty:
I actually have a flourescent... :/ Hmph, this is turning into quite the mystery. Perhaps I should just move them back into the 6. *sigh* I don't know!! :sad: Anyways, comet - I hope you find some, they are just wonderful fish (when they're not being shy). I adore mine, they are beautiful and lots of fun. :thumbs:
Here is a trick I have used and it made alot of difference with some skittish fish.

Sweet wrappers placed under the light create a lovely hue in the water, that may be enough to coax them out.

I used Purple-Blue and Green and it worked, Especially when I first Introduced my African Butterfly Fish.

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