We have a winner in Fishforums.net
July 2022 Tank of the Month Contest
We had 6 awesome tanks entered in this month's TOTM contest featuring tanks sized at 17 to 30 US gallons but only one could win...July 2022 Tank of the Month Contest
And the winner is.......
Let's all congratulate them
Here's the winning tank and its description
Here is my 20g high aquarium. It has come a very long way since I entered it in Janurary!
Moneywort(recently added not much growth yet)
Jungle Val(recently added not that much growth yet)
Water Sprite
Pearl Weed
Salvinia Minima(floating)
Cabomba Caroliniana
Most of the plants grow fairly fast so I am able to sell the trimmings on etsy
Oak sticks(I gathered this myself. Nothing better than finding your own aquarium decor )
Malaysian Driftwood(bought on etsy)
Random rock from the fish store
Neon tetra(x11)
Cherry Barb(x5)
Red Eye Tetra(x3 I know they should be in a larger tank. beginner mistake)
Corydoras virginiae(x2. There were more but they died )
Few pest snails(ramshorn)
frozen daphnia
frozen brine shrimp
live mosquito larvae
bug bites microgranules
bug bites flakes(spirulina and color enhancing)
The tank gets a 50% WC weekly. Dosed with Seachem Iron and Flourish as necessary.
Quietflow 10(filter)
Eheim 100w heater
AQUANEAT LED Aquarium Light(just added)
DIY acrylic lid
Ph 7.3
Gh 180ppm(i think)
NOTE: The picture may look heavily edited but its just lower exposure and taken at night with minimal adjustments to make it look as close to real-life as possible.