Congo Tetras


Fish Crazy
Mar 31, 2005
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Hi, I've got a 47 US gallon tank and was just wondering how these fish are in a community tank with other fish like corys, clown plec, featherfin syno, angels?
They're nice fish and keep to their own, so would work well in your tank. Certainly do best in shoals of 6 or more as they can be a little timid.
how big do they get? don't wanna be overrun with congo's?
hey i have 8 male congos living with 5 x leopard corys , 3 x bristlenose pleco and 2 x blue ram

and their doing just fine
Congo tets get to approximately 100mm in body length.

I found I got the best out of this fish when kept in a shoal of 6 consisting of 4 males and 2 females. The males were always putting on a show then. I currently have a large'ish shoal of them (12). I also have some alestes longipinnis (10) which come from the same sort of region and happily shoal with them.

There is a yellow finned congo tet too. These are very nice looking too but do not seem to get quite as big.

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