Congo Tetras


New Member
Apr 7, 2010
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Hello, I've had a small group of seven congo tetra's for about a month now. I wondered if anyone knew when I can expect to see the male fin extensions, I'm seeing no sign of them yet. The LFS said its when they reach sexual maturity but did not know how long that would be. I do love the them, the rainbow shine on their scales is just beautiful...I'm hoping I've not got all girls though. Also any tips on keeping them extra happy would be appreciated. Thanks


They are tricky to photo as they are so fast, just managed to catch this one.
That looks like a female. The fin extention should really be noticable from quite young. How big are your congo's?
There are all about 2 to 3 cms long in the body, a good cm and a half depth and they all look like the one in the photo. Oh I will be disappointed if they are all females, one of the reasons I bought them was for the lovely fins :sad:

The picture looks female. I don't want to disappoint but I too was waiting for finnage on my 3 congos.... then went back to the store and lo and behold they had a tank of all male congos this time.... and I realized that my first purchase was all females. So bought 3 of the males, same size as the females abut 1.5 inches of body length and the males are very very obvious.

See if you can negotiate with your LFS to order you some males and make a bit of a trade?

Good Luck
If I can arrange an exchange, what would be the best male to female ratio?

Thanks for advice.
its normally 1 male to every 3 females. However, this is only a guideline. I only have males, without any problems.
Today I swapped one of my females for a male and bought another male, I now have 6 females and 2 males. The girls were very excited to meet the new arrivals, but the guys...well they are just not interested at the moment.

Here is one of my beautiful new boys


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