Congo Tetras


Swim with the Fishes
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jan 18, 2005
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Mt. Holly, NC
I am seriously thinking of adding some congos to my 75 gallon tank. I would like to add 8 to 10 but because of the price of $15.00 each (for 2" fish) at the only store I have found them at, I want to make sure there aren't any problems. I have read that they are very fast fish and like a large planted tank. I have that covered. I also read that it is best if they are the dominant species in the tank or they would become shy and reclusive so my biggest concern is their compatibility with my 4 angels. Would their constant movement stress my angels? Would my angels, who are about 3 to 4 inches, spook and stress them? Also, how delicate are they? I have had this tank running for almost 3 years without any problems but I don't want to get something that I will lose or have problems with if I go 2 weeks without a water change.
I also read that it is best if they are the dominant species in the tank or they would become shy and reclusive so my biggest concern is their compatibility with my 4 angels. Would their constant movement stress my angels?
I have seen that combo many times. In a big enough tank, no, shouldn't cause problems. The angels will stay near the plants and the tetras in open water. Adult Congo tetras would probably terrify baby angels though.
Would my angels, who are about 3 to 4 inches, spook and stress them?
Should be fine.
Also, how delicate are they? I have had this tank running for almost 3 years without any problems but I don't want to get something that I will lose or have problems with if I go 2 weeks without a water change.
They are not at all delicate once settled down and feeding. Like most characins really, they're quite hardy once acclimated to particular water conditions.

Cheers, Neale
Hey rdd....I have had a couple of Congos now for almost 2 years. Well...I don't have a large school but they do just great in my huge (yeah overstocked) 46G. I also have two angels and there have been no problems. Honestly tho', I can't make a comment on the larger numbers. I would think that your larger tank would obviate any issues.

My two Congos are just beautiful and I daresay are in the top ten for FW community fish. Stronger swimmers...mid tank...they eat almost anything. I have NEVER seen them interact with my angels at all. In fact, my angels stay near the front of the tank and the Congos are middle all the way around. Not sure if this helped much but I really don't see them being an issue. SH
Thanks for the replies. I really do think they are beautiful fish. I have never ordered fish online before but I have been looking and I can get hfor about $6 online plus shipping of course. But even at that, 8 to 10 would run me less than $90 where as the LFS will be $120 to $150 plus tax. But losses durng shippingcold cancel the price differencce. How do you think they would fair during shipping?
I used Liveaquaria for many of my fish and I never received a dead one. I DID receive one that was in very bad shock:


but recovered quickly. They have a great guarantee. If you can't find them locally, I think that LA is very reputable.

I looked at LA but they are $9.99 each there with shipping at $34.99 so 10 would run me $134.89. I could buy 10 locally for about $160 so I would probably go that route rather than subject them to the shipping issues. I'm going to visit a few stores on the other side of towm to see if they hae any at a better price. Thanks for the word about LA though. I use their profiles all the time so it's nice to know they are a viable option online.
I have some congo tetras in with some Angels in my 180L. Never had a problem, they seem to get along really well. I do have it well planted tho
No they should'nt be a problem with your tank. Just keep in mine that even most place say they only get 3 to 4 inchs but my local special aquarium store has 5 in a 50 gallon tank and the are 7 inchs. I love this species only that they get to big for my tank.

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