Congo Tetras

New Boy

Fish Crazy
May 14, 2003
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London, England
Most books suggest that you should have a shoal of congo tetras, would 5 be ok or should you have more together?

Will they be ok with barbs (tiger) and labs (lions cove) and siamese algae eaters?

Thanks and Merry christmas everyone
5 congos would be good

hmmmm im not sure with barbs, someone else will probablly get to u on that 1 :thumbs: :whistle:
Lions cove ;labs are one of the most agressive labidochromus african cichlid and can take a turn for the worse at any moment.
I would sugest more around 7-10 congos. whenever you have a bigger tetra you ussualy need more of them to school. I have 5 head and tail light tetras and they do not school i n any way, an I read they prefere to be in groups of 10. since the Congo tetra is of similar size, then I would sugest you have more.
I keep a shoal of 7 congo tetras and feel that there should really be a few more, congos have a distinct pecking order with the largest male keeping all the other fish in check, with too few fish this becomes bullying and the weaker fish may become shy and hide in plants or rock formations.

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