Congo Tetras


Moved On
Aug 13, 2005
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My brother wants to get some what can you tell me about them?
I kept 3 in my 4ft tank until I gave them to a mate . I found them to be a lovely though quite timid fish although this may have been because I had only 3 instead of the recommended minimum of 5.
Mine were adult fish about 3 inches each and imo you need at least a 4ft tank for them.They were very peaceful
The only reason I got rid of mine was that my mate had 2 and I figured that they would be better in a small shoal.I would really reccommend them IF you have room
cheers :)
I agree, they are timid and peaceful, and very nice fish to have as long there are no aggressive fish in the tank, and don't demand very much. They are, of course, best in higher numbers, and I recommend at least 6.

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