Congo Tetras Getting More Aggressive


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
Essex (Harold Wood/ Romford)
I had 5 congo tetras and lost 2 over xmas when my housemate was "looking after the tank" for a few weeks and they seemed fine until about a week ago. They have always played chasing games but now its getting increasingly violent and as i only have males would it calm them down if i maybe swapped 2 of them for females or would the remaining male still keep attacking the females as aggressively (have never seen any females in local fish shops so will be tricky).
The best thing to do would be to make sure you have 6 or more congo's. As they are shoaling fish they need to be in larger groups and at the same time this would reduce the agressiveness towards 1 or 2 of them, as it divides the load among a larger number of fish.

Good luck!
i used to have 10 congo tetras and everything was fine.i owned them for approx 8 months no probs at all.congos and rainbows make a good,colourful tank plus they all get on say get some more congos.usually only males that you can find as well.i looked through my lfs tanks of congos and out of approx 25,they only had 1 female.

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