Congo Tetra


Fish Addict
Aug 28, 2008
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does anybody have info on these fish i am thinking of adding them to my rekord 96 when its cycled and want to know about them i hve tried google but nowhere has any good info on them
I would have thought there would be plenty of pages on these guys. Anyhow i don't know how big that tank is but i wouldn't keep them in anything smaller than 3' long, they grow large for a tetra and are very active swimmers, plus like other tetras need to be kept in a school. Also wouldn't keep them with much smaller timid tetras such as neons which might get bullied or nipped. Otherwise they are quite hardy and beautiful when mature.
Name: Phenacogrammus interruptus
8 cm
pH 6.8 Temp 24°C
Origin: Zaire (Africa)

Males are bigger and more colorful and longer fins. Very easy to sex.
Better in schools +6
Very easy to feed they eat most food.
Need good swimming space
Mine don't seem aggressive more playful though there has been the odd tussle between the males
Also from what I heard they are quite a hardy fish
Under good lighting they are stunning
A Rekord 96 would be far too small for them I'm afraid. I keep 8 in a 5ft tank and when they get playful, even that seems quite small for them!

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