Congo River 110g Tank Stocking Suggestions


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Apr 23, 2006
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was thinking of setting up a congo/ west african biotope tank -- any suggestions as to stocking?

ABF, climbing perch, elephant nose, polypterus senegal, ocellot kribensis ( Pelvicachroms subocellatus), upside down catfish and a school of congo tetras were my thoughts
How big is this tank going to be? Your fish combination should work as long as the fish you're including along with the Senegal bichir are large individuals. I've kept almost exactly the same combinations together successfully on a number of occasions and can tell you that as long as the other fish are big enough to avoid being eaten by the P. senegalus then you should be fine.

How big is this tank going to be? Your fish combination should work as long as the fish you're including along with the Senegal bichir are large individuals. I've kept almost exactly the same combinations together successfully on a number of occasions and can tell you that as long as the other fish are big enough to avoid being eaten by the P. senegalus then you should be fine.


110 gallons
What are you doing with decoration. Maybe a large piece of drift wood or two, a sand bed, and a few plants like lilies.
So far I have 15 Congo Tetras (and I have never been happier :good: ) and I will get another 9 for my 125 gallon. The sub-adult will be out and about but the two adult males will hide behind the rock work. I think the Adult N. Brichardi has something to do with that.
Sounds like a cool tank.

I'd plant it with tiger lotus lillies, Bolbitis, and all the Anubias you can afford, and yeah lots of bogwood.

I've been planning a similar tank for years, only without the predators.

There are so many nice strains of Pelvicachromis taeniatus, and perhaps some epiplatys for the top levels.

Congo tetras look fantastic in a good shoal
it appears it may be a 125 now, as for decore i was going bog wood, several large pieces might be able to get my hands on a stump, fine sand bottom and some lillies, anubias, and probably some java fern as i already have alot of it growing out

i might ditch the elephant nose and i'm not sure if i'll be able to find the yellow cheeked kribs i'm looking for

does anyone have overly active elephant noses or know of situations that promote activity? i'd assume many hiding places etc

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