Congo Puffer


Fish Crazy
Jul 10, 2006
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just thought i'd tell you i got a congo puffer today, of my very own (i've been kind of looking after one for a while but when he/she... it(?) went home i felt the need for a new one!)

left him looking very sorry for himself earlier - i was dreading opening the door into the room he's in, thought i might find a dead puffer (he's the biggest and most expensive fish i've ever bought so i'm a bit jumpy)

But complete transformation (!!!! :) ) - now he looks much happier he's uncramped most of his fins and he's been doing some excavation works!! not eaten the mussel i put in for him earlier but its early days... maybe over night he'll feel peckish - if he makes through the night (aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh)

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