Congo Frogs

fishing for info

Fish Fanatic
Mar 18, 2009
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I got myself two congo frogs in some time in summer last year. Somehow, I managed to pick a male and a female! The female has grown alot but from looking at these forums i guess it's normal for the female to be a lot bigger than the male. Turns out this couple are very much together and they are regularly spawning and mating. This may not have been a good point seeing as i'm only a beginner in looking after congo's. Every time they spawn, i move the eggs into another tank with an airstone and they have always successfully hatched. My problem is, I don't know what to feed the little guys! Please reply below if you know anything. I need help because i have a beautiful batch of tadpoles at the mo and at the rate my frogs are going, I'll have another in the next few days! Thankyou
Unless you plan to raise and sell them on at a very rapid rate, I think you have to reach the grim morality to kill them as small tadpoles or frogspawn. You can feed them on algae (leave a bucket outside in the sun filled with water and you will get a colony), daphnia, brine shrimp, infusoria and micro-worms. Treat them to some blanched veg every so often and also some chopped up creepy crawlies. I sometimes use tadpoles to feed my fish they love it!
Thanks for the help! I will put that bucket out right now! I will probably try and raise them but only as many as I can handle. So, can I get infusoria in many pet shops or is it quite hard to get hold of?
Pet shops should have it you can also use walter worms although those are harder to get hold of but dp fishways has them...
ok. Thanks a lot for your help. I hope i can raise a couple to adulthood this time! :)
ok They've gota lot bigger now. They're not developing legs yet i don't think, but their body has become much larger and rounder. I fed them a few drops of daphnia into the water just now and they were all swimming around probably eating the tiny unseeable particles. Should I do anything about cleaning them out?
having green water can be food for fry, right? I was told from my previous posts. (But I dont really suggest it, cause cleaning will be an issue.)

Alright, so your little tank/bucket is dirty now? :eek:
Whats your tank's size? Cause I once used dividers to separate babies from the fish.

Also, do you have a sponge filter set up?
it is starting to get dirty in the tank, yes. I do not have a filter because i thought they would get caught (we're talking tadpoles a few mm's) but i keep the tank aerated with an air stone. My tank size is about 2 letres (sound small but the tadpoles are tiny. They have lots of space) it was my old triops tank but after they died, I washed it out and filled it with clean water with water conditioner and put them in with a bit of the frog tank water. One thing i heard i could do was remove one or two thirds of the water and fill it back up but most of the dirt is resting on the bottom. What shall I do?
This is what I use to do, but I think it might stress the fish. (My tank's larger)
Get like a kebab stick and put it into the tank, then spin it around creating like a little whirlpool. well, just make sure the kebab hit's the dirty stuff so it goes flying everywhere! :)
Probably would stress the tadpoles. How many are there exactly?
I think there's about thirty or so. They are very small though and i don't want to scoop one out by accident! Thanks for helping me with this :)
WAIT, two litre tank right?
That's not even a gallon, correct? more like over a half.

It's like the size of those betta kits with the colourful lids and the oddly shaped tank?
Wouldn't it be easy to get the tadpoles out? (I dont think netting 'em out is smart, due to size/stress.
And, is there like a layer of gravel, or anything? Ornaments? etc?

Pictures, if possible? :D
Thanks for all the help but unfortunately I can't see that any are still alive :( . It came on suddenly in a night it went from about 20 or so to 0. I got them bigger than any other attempt I'd had so that was good but I was really looking forward to them reaching froghood. I am awaiting another spawn in a couple of days judging by the eggs I can see Almost bursting out of the female's stomach! I will bear in mind all this info for then. I will try and take pictures of the next spawn. This tadpole business is hard work but I won't give up! ;)
Thanks for all the help but unfortunately I can't see that any are still alive :( . It came on suddenly in a night it went from about 20 or so to 0. I got them bigger than any other attempt I'd had so that was good but I was really looking forward to them reaching froghood. I am awaiting another spawn in a couple of days judging by the eggs I can see Almost bursting out of the female's stomach! I will bear in mind all this info for then. I will try and take pictures of the next spawn. This tadpole business is hard work but I won't give up! ;)

You can be proud that you hatched frog eggs, and raised them.

But they didn't make it. ):
Do you know what really happend?
Well They were fine one day but the next evening I looked and couldn't see any live ones. Maybe It was a desease or something in the water. I actually don't know but one thing I do know was that it was getting to a point where the daphnia was a day old or so. I wanted to clean them out but I was unsure how without getting one out by accident but it could have been something like if there was any dead old tadpoles, there might have been some kind of fungi or something involved. I didn't see anything though. I'm not an expert on these things ;) Thanks

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