I have a 90 gallon tank. I was thinking of get 5or 6 congo tetras.
Will conga tetras get along with my harliquen rasboras, red serpae & lemmon tetras?
Congo tetra are a very very peaceful fish which will not cause any trouble to anything in the tank.However they do have quite large flowing fins so you would have to watch out for the serpae in case they start nipping.Having said that,if you have a sufficient number of serpae you shouldnt have a problem as they will be too busy scrapping amongst themselves
Never have kept lemons so dont know anyhing about them.Most places state they are peaceful but Ive read one or two sites that say they can occassionally nip fins.Again if you have enough of them they shouldnt bother the congo
BTW if you get congo they will probably be very timid and nervous for a while before settling down.
Worth it though,lovely fish
Nearly forgot,they wont touch the harlequins.
Just got six congo tetra on monday. It looks like i have four males and 2 females but they are just over an inch & half long and sexing now is hard. My LFS has had full grown cogos but just got these in last friday. The price was $4.99 each at this size ($11.99 for the full grown congos). They were shy for the first two days, now they eat & swim in my 90 gallon tank with l10 lemmon teras, 10 red serpae & 20 harlquen razboras. They are AWESOME, especially when i lay on the floor and look up from that angle. The color is an electric blue with a bright green boundary. I hear they get more beautiful after full grown.
I may trade in my lemmons & serpaes for more Congos.
Anyone have any comments or suggestions.
They are a beautiful fish. I have a dozen with a 50/50 split of male/female. I would have liked more males but they were very young when I got them so it was nearly impossible to tell at the time. Even the females are pretty though -- they have a green/pink luminous thing going on. Here is a pic I took of one of my males last year:
The cleaner you keep your water, the more they glow!