Confussed With All This Lighting Time!


Fish Crazy
May 8, 2004
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Im trying to get a right lighting time for my planted tank but some say 8 some 12 some even 14! some say put a dark gap in! akk! so what is it lol? I have 3 lamps at the moment I have 2 arcadia original tropical running at 22w combined and a interpet 18w triplus compact wich is very bright. the time I got set at the moment are

Timer running 1. 11w compact arcadia: starting from 1pm>>>> 4hr on 2hr off 4hr on making 8 hours light time

Timer 2. running triplus 18w: starting at 2pm>>>> 3hr on 2hr off 3hr on making 6 hours light time

good or bad? :blush:
its all down to your individual tank just play with it till you get it right....
mines on for 10 hrs a day straight through...
It took me months of playing with it to get it to be just right
Dark periods are often used by people who have algae problems, they are not necessary for good plant growth.

I have a multitrip timer now on each of my tanks. The first trip turns 25% on for 1 hour, then another 25% after an hour, then the rest after another hour. In the evening, It drops from all, to 50% to 25% to off in steps 20 minutes apart. The full load is turned on for about 10 hours.

I used to have 12 all on 12 off, worked fine. Changed it because I got hold of a load of multi trip industrial timers from a local factory closure and fancied playing with them.
I have 3 lights on individual timers:

1 x T8 18W Arcadia Freshwater is on from 12.00 to 00.00
1 x 55W Interpet Daylight plus is on from 14.00 to 22.00
Moonlight Cold Cathodes on from 23.45 to 12.15

Works OK for me, lighting all depends what your CO2 and ferting etc is if you are doing a planted tank. betwen 8-12 hours is pretty normal.


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