

Fish Herder
Aug 6, 2004
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hello....recently bought a heater for the coldwater tank cos i herd that they do better with one...constant temo and all...i just dont really know wot the best temp is for suggestions?
Also ive seen people saying that there comets grow really fast well ive had mine ages and he aint grown 1 bit and he's only 2 1/2 inches.
The issue about warmer temperatures applies to fancies (Ryukin, Fantails, Orandas, Moors) not Comets, Koi, etc. This is only my knowledge, but I wouldn't use the heater on a Comet.

What size tank do you have? And what exactly do you mean by "ages?" Forever doesn't mean six months. If you've had your comet for such a long time it sounds like its growth is stunted.

If you have an ample sized tank with excellent water conditions and diet then you should be able to keep a fish for upwards of 20+ which gives it time to reach this full size. If you have a pet, of any kind, you should be keeping it with the expectations and ready knowledge (or at least constant researching on information) to keep them for their full life expectancy...not just for a year or two.

I'm not sure how accurate this is, but from my memory I think comets get up to 11-12" with optimal conditions. I also thought they did better in ponds than tanks.
18 gallon.....and im not really sure how long weve had it trying to think but i cant.....its got the whole tank to itself....almost except from the other fish in there...maybe when we get the pond done he can go in there... me. Are you sure he's a pond comet? The only thing that seems to make sense to me is that he is a common goldfish... We had a feeder goldfish that lived for four years and didn't get any bigger than 3", but we were just shocked to see him live for so long considering the rest of his friends died after a month or so.

I have limited experience with non-fancies, maybe someone else can come in and give you a good answer! Good luck :)
hmmmm its interesting to hear you say that the rest died after a month or u mean u only had them a month and then they died???
temperatures for a comet range from 8 -20c, so maybe having the heater on the lowest setting would be fine.

can you post a pic of the fish so we can have a look and try to help with what kind it is.

whats a gara?
I've got comets in my pond.They look great with their long fins and tail.They do grow rather large for a tank judging by mine which are near the 1ft mark.Perhaps they take along time to grow as mine have been in the pond for several years.
I've also got 2 extreme comets.These are goldfish with longer than usual fins,much longer than ordinary comets.They are real beauties.They are sometimes sold as butterfly comets.Despite their long fins and delicate appearance all have gone though many winters outdoors where the pond has been frozen a few inches thick with ice and been ok.

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