

New Member
Aug 25, 2004
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I read a thing on the internet and it said 'Use a Tupperware or ice cream container if you are short on tanks when fry are born' i dont get this becuase dont they need a heater to keep the water the right temp? can you keep the fry in an ice cream tub or what? Thnxs for your help! :nod: :nod:
get a fry net! :p then once they are in there for maybe a week or so IF POSSIBLE put them in a tank that is ready to house the fry (Might have to run to the store to Buy and 11 Dollar 2.5 gallon tank (just the tank) + A 6 dollar heater and of course a air pump)
u dont need a tank a fry net could work but eather WELL planted tank with alot of room and not mnay fish (1 species if possibe) would be great ......... but the tuppawear has some of the main tank water in it and u float it in the tank .....
Rubermaid totes are great fry tanks. Keep the sponge filter in your main tank fro a week and take some gravle and mulm from the main tank. Get a submerable heater in it. You got a 50g tank for less than $30 USA
so i cant use an ice cream tub then 2 keep the fry in? im gettin a tank for fry only but it will need to cycle and everything else so what do i do now becuase my guppy looks like she is going to explode in the next to days!! :D

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