

Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2006
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Cheshire UK
ive just been to a fish store ive never been to before and they had a male betta in a tank full of guppies, and another one in a tank of neon tetras. slightly confused as this is meant to be a good fish store but ive been told make betta aren't meant to be kept with guppies as they see them as a threat and tetras nip their fins :S
they also had a few dead fish in their tanks so will not be buying fish from there in the future as they obviously cant look after their fish :angry: sorry to say this included a male betta who was in a tank with 2 mollies (his fins were ripped to shreads).
yep, my LFS had the same.
so i dragged an employee over and ordered a switch around, especially when I found a Betta in with a large Gourami & a Krib!

don't let them suffer in silence, if you have a problem with it, politely suggest to the employees that maybe their current set up with Bettas isn't adequate and that you really wanted to buy a Betta but are going to go elsewhere now where Bettas still had their fins intact.
there was also a betta in with some dwarf gouramis but he seemed to be fine. i told them they had dead fish in their tanks and that i didnt think bettas were compatible with the fish they were being kept with but all the 'assistant' said was that he didnt know anything about betta and he couldnt keep watch on the tanks all day for dead fish! i couldnt believe it. i just felt so sorry for the fish.
I was given this rescue betta, was battered and bruised, a bit shreaded. no idea what happened and i don't want to know... anyway, the only place i could put him was in my tetra tank, i put him in a nursery tank for about 2 months, one day i left the lid off and found him swimming around the tank with the tetra's, he's looking better and abit more friendly than he was. The tetra's have taken no notice and go about there buisness as usual!! The betta does the same... i guess i was lucky! :)

But i agree they shouldn't be together and there's no excuse for the dead fish.
Years ago I got my first betta from a lfs, and went back a few months later and saw this wretched looking betta with ragged fins. There was also a beautiful one in another tank. I asked what was wrong with first one they said he had been put in wrong tank and attacked. I bought him even though they said I would be better off with other one. I split my bettas tank , got some lovely fresh weed and after a few months he was beautiful. I make a point of saying to the staff in this shop now if I see anything I dont like the look of.

In between my bettas ..havent had that many they seem to live a couple of years I had figure of eight puffers I loved those but both times they just died without any warning! So I have gone back to bettas.

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