! How Many Corys?


Fish Aficionado
Jan 29, 2012
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Hi Everyone,

I'm just cycling my tank now so this is just planning ahead but - I would like to have 6 or 7 male guppies in my tank and would also like to have corys but the more research I do into corys I realise that they need to be in groups of 5 to be happy, which will leave me overstocked (I think?). I would love to hear your advice on how to stock this tank with these two species.

I would like to have some shrimp but that's less of a priority for me if it's not sensible.

As a side note, I have just moved to this forum from another (to be left anonymous :p), and I am so excited to be a member! You guys all seem such a friendly and helpful bunch, the last forum I was a member of everyone was so aggressive I was afraid to ask any questions!
i'd only go with the 5 guppies personally, they like a lot of space.

Theres 3 types of dwarf cory that would be ideal in your tank :)

& another which i can't think of :/ :lol:
Welcome :)

5 male guppies would be plenty,although when i kept guppies the males always fought between each other :rolleyes:

Then you could add 6-8 pygmies or hastatus , Habrosus are dwarf cories so are larger than the previous 2 mentioned,but still remain around 1.5 inches at most.

Pygmys also tend to swim around mid - tank in shoals has opposed to most standard size cories.
I'd get a bigger tank.

But if not, go for a smaller cory, but still keep in a shoal of at least 6. Are you planning to have a sand substrate? The more male guppies you have the less fighting, IME.
Thanks a lot for the advice everyone, really helpful and I'm going to look for the Habrosus cories.

Unfortunately I don't have sand but I do have an extremely small sized gravel - smallest I've ever seen anyway! I think they will still be able to push this stuff around . It's Hugo Kamishi Gravel 2-4mm and probably is more on the 2mm side than the 4mm - I had a nightmare time sieving it before putting it in the tank lol.

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