Confused??, Can I add inverts


New Member
Jun 12, 2004
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OK if this is to basic for some of you I'm sorry, I've been reading and resaerching about saltwater tanks for about a 2 months, I have a 75gal tank, I'm still undersided about the filters and so on,( planning on the magnum 350 pro but that's another post)
I was planning on doing a FOWLR, now that being said, can I add inversts to the tank, Or would doing that mean I would have to increase my lighting options I don't want to go any further than my stock hood with 2 bulbs, Thanks
It depends what sort of fish you re going to have? if your having preditors such as triggers, snappers, groupers etc etc, then I woyuld avoid inverts. if smaller peacfull fish, then shrimps hermits brittle stars would probably be ok.

ste :)
At first I was reasearching triggers but in my 55 fresh I have an Albino Oscar about 2 years old , He's in their with a couple of other fish but he is really aggressive, I don't want to go that route with this.
As mentioned in another part of this bulletin board, not all triggers are dangerous to reef tanks.

Blue throat (Blue cheek) triggers and toa slightly lesser degree niger trigers are mostly reef safe. I say mostly simply because there is always 1 fish that doesnt read the rulebook :*)

Blue cheeks are probably mong the smallest trigers you can get, they feed mainly on planktonic food and show very litte interest in inverts. They are not as colourful as the more well known triggers (males are faily colourful) but they certainly make heads turn when people see them in a reef tank!

I say that nigers are slightly less safe simply due to the size they can reach, they can outgrow most standard sized tanks and if they get stressed then they might cause a problem. Otherwise they are just as safe in my experience as the bluecheek. Far more striking in appearance too.

As for keeping inverts in your system, wel its really down to the lighting you have in your tank and how deep it is. Obviously you must keep coper based products out of the tank as these are deadly to inverts even in the tiniest of quantities.
If you just have T8 tubes (standard light tubes) then i would suggest you try for any zooanthid type polyps or perhaps a sarcophyton as they are not as greedy onlight, (well i seen other people tanks keep these quite happily).
Beware with any type of zooanthid though, most of them carry a toxin called palytoxin that is deadly if it gets into the bloodstream. there is no known anti toxin for them. The toxin is a nuromuscular agent and can prove lethal.. As long as you handle them with respect then no problems will ocur, if you have open cuts or broken skin then keep well clear of their mucus. Sorry if this sounds a little scarey but when i recomend somthing that carries hidden dangers like this i feel its only wise to let any other people with a wish to keep them be aware of what they are purchasing.

Good luck with your tank, 75 gallon is a great size and you will be able to achieve alot with that. :D

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