Confused By Sump

Dana C

Fish Crazy
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
I have just upgraded to a tank with a sump but could do with a little help.
The weir is in the left corner so should the sump tank run left to right or the other way round?
The sump has 3 compartments so what would be the best way to run this and where should I put the equipment in there?
Sorry for the stupid questions but I'm doing the pipe work tomorrow and want to make sure I don't mess it up.
Thanks in advance for any help
If the weir is on the left, you want the input section to be on the left. It should be a fairly large section, and that's where you would place your skimmer and your heater (if the heater fits). Then next would be the refugium (heater can also go here) and last, on the right, the output, where the pump back to the tank should go. The input and refugium section SHOULD BE the larger two sections out of the three.

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