Confused About Tank Size For Parrots/jellybeans?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2005
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Iv been reading thru the posts about blood parrots, and they need a 55 gal tank is this us or uk gal? Also iv red in some posts 55gal is enuf for two there for shouldnt one need less. just an observation and somethings id like clearing, im only planning on keeping one.

Also what is the standard tank size for 55gal? of this one iv already found out and i do not have space for this size tank

Now iv heard something about jellybean parrots can have a smaller tank, would anyone be nice enough to run this by my?

Many Thanks
its only people in the US who describe tanks in gals its stupied as the tank chould be 6ft long 3inch wide am 14inch deep and still be a 55gal
its only people in the US who describe tanks in gals its stupied as the tank chould be 6ft long 3inch wide am 14inch deep and still be a 55gal

:p so not true T1KAR; you Brits are just as bad! Besides, you're completely over-looking the ultimate in "stupid tank descriptions": naming a tank by its length without giving any other dimensions :lol: saying that something is a 4-ft tank could easily mean anything from 40 to 120 gallons in volume. :crazy:

as for the original question, generally speaking a gallons measurement means US gallons unless specified otherwise. but i would recommend that one assume UK gallons are meant when selecting an appropriate tank. UK gallons, as you know, are slightly bigger and so your fish reap the benefit of that extra 5% of space. :)

#1 Rule of Equipment: try to always get the largest tank that you have the money and space to own.
#2 Rule of Equipment: always use a filter with a gph 3-5 times the volume of your tank
#3 Rule of Equipment: feel free to ignore rules 1 and 2 when your fish need a small or underfiltered tank :lol:
its only people in the US who describe tanks in gals its stupied as the tank chould be 6ft long 3inch wide am 14inch deep and still be a 55gal

This isn't always for the fish,it's the bio load the tank can take.
Bristlenose-I would say for two standard bp's they would be fine in a 55gallon tank.But if they grew 8 inches or more it would get awkward for them.So try aim for 75gallons and you could have 2 parrots and other fishes aswell :good: I am sure some will disagree but o well. :lol:
Jellybeans are almost the same as convicts, so why not buy convicts? Your not supporting a crime against fish if you buy cons. As for Blood Parrots. I have a bare minumin of 45G for 1. 60G for 2. 75-80G for 3.
Jellybeans are almost the same as convicts, so why not buy convicts? Your not supporting a crime against fish if you buy cons. As for Blood Parrots. I have a bare minumin of 45G for 1. 60G for 2. 75-80G for 3.

basically the same :good:
I know what you mean so cute and podgey :drool: .It sounded like you were talking like they were chips or chicken nuggets tohugh lol :shifty:
Oh yeah, them too. I've only ever seen them once in real life and thats in a 300G tank at my lfs where they have and King Kong I think? But its like 8ft in the air on some huge steel stands and has no lights so you can barely make the othjer fish out.

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