Confused About My Two New Girls


Fish Crazy
Mar 11, 2007
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So, I got two new bettas, that I got with some tanks (really I got the tanks with the bettas cause I really wanted them) I thought at first I had a pair due to tail type alone, but after leaving them to settle in, I noticed my "male" had the same white spot as the female, but has more of a male tale, being twice as long as the female's tail and quite flowing, though not the same shape or as long as a veiltail.

Also, all my other females are around an inch and a half in total, these ladies are more two and a half inches each! Is that normal! Should I keep them seperate from my girls or will they all be ok? (I have 5 other females, these ones were due to go in tomorrow as their QT is up, but I noticed my male [he was going to his very own betta tank away from the ladies] may not be male, and when you put one next to another there is a very big size difference!)



Easier to see when they are next to eachother photo wise.

and for fun:





Thanks in advance!!
I'm so confused. They use to live together apparently and never bothered eachother, so the last owner and I just figured females, though as there was only two I decided to split them for QT before adding them in with my females.

I didn't know the males could get the white spots too. Will have to make a note of that! thanks :)
nope props.There ventrals look realy short though for males just thinking that.But the first ones tail is long.Its been nipped abit but it might be a yound male.My friend had a female then all of a sudden it turned male.
nope props.There ventrals look realy short though for males just thinking that.But the first ones tail is long.Its been nipped abit but it might be a yound male.My friend had a female then all of a sudden it turned male.

Could be. this dude said he had them for a year, but he also thinks they are pregnant and "ready to give birth any day, but be careful cause they will eat their fry before you even see them!" which is why he bought the breeding trap for them.... I was like "k... will watch out for that then.. thanks..." lol
lol.He looked a 'lil' stupid then lol.There not livebearers.I would keep them both seperate them until you find there actual sexes.If hes been keeping them together for a year then there probably females.Try putting a mirror against the glass and if there flare is big then they may be males :good:
He did seem a bit thick :p

Neither flare, but Erick, my very male VT, flares at NOTHING. (But I always call him my favorite girl anyway, as he seems a bit prissy and ditsy :p)

EDIT: He did flare at me last night when I didn't feed him and just went to bed, but he doesn't flare at mirrors or other fish. Forgot that he flared at me last night lol. Also forgot to feed him :p doh.
lol my yellow hm that died never flared at anything then all of a sudden he went crazy one day at the mirror :hyper:
Just leave by the tank for 10 mins every day and see what they do.My females go mad and flare at the male aswell.
Will give it a go. But my females flare at eachother all the time, so how does it tell if they are male or not? LMAO! Maybe my fish are just weird :p
the stuff under the gill comes out on the male and only the gills come out on the female :good: Females have a smaller flare in other words. :good:
If the guy kept all his betta's together in a large tank and they were siblings then you won't get too much aggression.

I have a large grow out tank for my betta fry and males as well as females can grow up peacefully together because of the large space, however once you move them out and separate them the male will start to become more obvious being more aggressive etc. (but then there are some females that can become just as aggressive as males and need to be kept separate).

Normally I would go with the ventrals being longer in males and the finnage being longer, some males can display a small ovipositor.
I've experemented and put them back together, they ignored eachother for hours, so I moved them back. Think I will put them both in the female tank once I have some of the other fish out and see how it goes. Maybe he is just a really chilled male.

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