Fish Crazy
Ok, question 200 for the day!! I have a fluval 4+ and a fluval 2+ in my 300 litre tank. As both are second hand, I checked around to see what output they have and also what tanks they suit. The 4+ has 1000 litres per hour and is suitable for 130 to 215 litre tanks. http /www. /aquarium/filters/?p=2105. The Fluval 2+ has 400 litres per hour and is suitable for tanks up to 90 litres. http
/ www. aquarium/filters/?p=1724.
Now, I just want the one filter in my tank and really really do not want an external. I just cannot be bothered with them. The only one I could find was a Clearseal Magi 1000. The cheapest I found in a shop was £34.96 with free p&p at Pet Express. It says that it is suitable for tanks upto 360 litres. The thing is, the item header says it is 1000l/h but the description says 1200 l/h. If it is 1000, as the products name would suggest, how can it be suitable for tanks upto 360 when the fluval 4 plus has the same output but is only suitable for tanks up 215 litres? Have Pet Express got it wrong? http: //www /aquarium/filters/?p=1724.
To make things more complicated, I found one on ebay http
/ cgi.ebay. MAGI-1000-Magi-Internal-Aquarium-Power-Filter_W0QQitemZ260305943711QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item260305943711&_trkparms=72%3A1301%7C39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 . He is saying something completely different. 852 L/h and suitable for 250 litre tanks.
My brain hurts, can anyone help? Has anyone got one?

Now, I just want the one filter in my tank and really really do not want an external. I just cannot be bothered with them. The only one I could find was a Clearseal Magi 1000. The cheapest I found in a shop was £34.96 with free p&p at Pet Express. It says that it is suitable for tanks upto 360 litres. The thing is, the item header says it is 1000l/h but the description says 1200 l/h. If it is 1000, as the products name would suggest, how can it be suitable for tanks upto 360 when the fluval 4 plus has the same output but is only suitable for tanks up 215 litres? Have Pet Express got it wrong? http: //www /aquarium/filters/?p=1724.
To make things more complicated, I found one on ebay http

My brain hurts, can anyone help? Has anyone got one?