Confused About Filters. Magi 1000


Fish Crazy
Sep 3, 2008
Reaction score
Birmingham, Uk
Ok, question 200 for the day!! I have a fluval 4+ and a fluval 2+ in my 300 litre tank. As both are second hand, I checked around to see what output they have and also what tanks they suit. The 4+ has 1000 litres per hour and is suitable for 130 to 215 litre tanks. http /www. /aquarium/filters/?p=2105. The Fluval 2+ has 400 litres per hour and is suitable for tanks up to 90 litres. http:// www. aquarium/filters/?p=1724.

Now, I just want the one filter in my tank and really really do not want an external. I just cannot be bothered with them. The only one I could find was a Clearseal Magi 1000. The cheapest I found in a shop was £34.96 with free p&p at Pet Express. It says that it is suitable for tanks upto 360 litres. The thing is, the item header says it is 1000l/h but the description says 1200 l/h. If it is 1000, as the products name would suggest, how can it be suitable for tanks upto 360 when the fluval 4 plus has the same output but is only suitable for tanks up 215 litres? Have Pet Express got it wrong? http: //www /aquarium/filters/?p=1724.

To make things more complicated, I found one on ebay http:// cgi.ebay. MAGI-1000-Magi-Internal-Aquarium-Power-Filter_W0QQitemZ260305943711QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item260305943711&_trkparms=72%3A1301%7C39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 . He is saying something completely different. 852 L/h and suitable for 250 litre tanks.

My brain hurts, can anyone help? Has anyone got one?
IMO, anthing over 50g (250l) cannot be ran of internals. You want an exturnal mate, trust me :nod: Yes they are more expenceive, but they are the only type that will cope with your tank alone :good:

Filter manufacturer recomendations are optimistic to say the least. With 1000lph of flow from an internal, you could go upto 200l, 1200lph, 240l. Either speck is not good enough ;) Two would mebe do it, but you would defet your reasons for buying a new filter :lol:

For a good budget exturnal filter, look at the Tetratec EX1200 for it :good: They are up at £63 from I believe, with everything you need included ;) That works out less than two of those internals that you would need to run it...

All the best
IMO, anthing over 50g (250l) cannot be ran of internals. You want an exturnal mate, trust me :nod: Yes they are more expenceive, but they are the only type that will cope with your tank alone :good:

Filter manufacturer recomendations are optimistic to say the least. With 1000lph of flow from an internal, you could go upto 200l, 1200lph, 240l. Either speck is not good enough ;) Two would mebe do it, but you would defet your reasons for buying a new filter :lol:

For a good budget exturnal filter, look at the Tetratec EX1200 for it :good: They are up at £63 from I believe, with everything you need included ;) That works out less than two of those internals that you would need to run it...

All the best

Although the costs are a significant factor in not wanting an external, my daughter is the other. Shes only one and Ill have nightmares of her getting hold of it. Maybe I should stick with the fluval 4+ and 2+ then for now.

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