Conditioning Corys


Fish Addict
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Hello, im looking to breed my C. Aenus bronze cories. I know i have at least one male and female (due to size). I want to know which is the best way to condition them. I've heard several ways like bloodworms every other day, blackworms everyday and other methods. Which is the best way, or which way has been successful for you?

Thanks in advance.
Hi love_fish :)

I feed my spawning corys as many live blackworms as they will eat. They love them and it helps them produce many eggs.

Just be sure to wash them thoroughly when you bring them home and give them another rinse every day. :D
Hi love_fish :)

Yes, but you could start feeding them wherever they are. Blackworms or other "meaty" type foods should be at least part of their normal diet anyway. The other fish will enjoy eating them too. :D
Well, i ave frozen brine shrimp, thats meaty right? If i feed that to them say 5 times a week, could that trugger spawning?
Hi love_fish :)

I don't know how good the brine shrimp will be for conditioning them, but they might do some good. If you must feed frozen foods instead of live, the bloodworms would be better.

The purpose of conditioning is not to trigger spawning, but to help the female develop lots of eggs inside her. It will also build them up and make them strong and healthy. This will improve the chances of having a big batch of fry while keeping the parents in good shape.

I would suggest feeding them a good portion at least every day for a week, or better still, for two weeks before trying to get them to spawn. :D
I guess i could alternate brine shrimp and bloodworms right? Or would it be better just to feed bloodworms?
Hi love_fish :)

For conditioning, I'd say go with the bloodworms. :thumbs:

Living in New York, you can probably get live blackworms and I think they are best of all. If you are hesitant to feed live food, be assured they are not at all as unpleasant as it sounds.
Yea, they have it at my LFS, but they come in very small containers, and my zebras will definetely assure that they get to it before the cories do. Maybe ill go with frozen, and start to culture the blackworms now incase the first attempt isnt successful.
My peppereds get randy on Tetradelica; I give a mix of their bloodworm, brine shrimp (w added vitamins) and daphnia.

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