New Member
Hello, I joined this forum hoping for some advice on my betta. Two days ago I noticed white things coming from her gills. She had been sleeping more and spending more time at the surface. I tested the water and found 0.25 amonia, 0 nitrite and 30 nitrates. The tank was cycled but I think I caused a mini cycle due to treating it for planaria with panacur. I had been cleaning it a lot more in between the doses. I did a 50% water change right away making sure to dose with prime. Today she no longer has anything coming from her gills but each gill has a white mark and she seems low in her mood and tired. I read that methalyne blue can help with gill flakes. It said on the bottle to add it to the tank so I did.
I spoke to the helpline on the bottle and was informed this will not help with gill flakes and to use a dewormer. I ordered some medication which is due tomorrow. I planned on moving my betta to her quarantine tank so I can treat her and disinfect the tank. I have just seen the quarantine tank has a crack and I have nothing else suitable. I understand methalyne blue cannot be used with any other medication so I am wondering how to get it all out of her tank? No pictures I take show up the white marks on her gills so I do not have a picture for you. Thank you to anybody who replies.
I spoke to the helpline on the bottle and was informed this will not help with gill flakes and to use a dewormer. I ordered some medication which is due tomorrow. I planned on moving my betta to her quarantine tank so I can treat her and disinfect the tank. I have just seen the quarantine tank has a crack and I have nothing else suitable. I understand methalyne blue cannot be used with any other medication so I am wondering how to get it all out of her tank? No pictures I take show up the white marks on her gills so I do not have a picture for you. Thank you to anybody who replies.