

New Member
Jan 3, 2005
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should i be concered with my puffer if he stays in his cave? i got him on wensday and hes been hiding out ever since. he'll eat alittle if i put it in front of the opening but thats it. Im just tryin to be a good fish keeper
he may still be adjusting to the new surroundings. how much light have you got running; have you got many plants? a sparsely planted but bright tank would probably make a new fish feel vunerable.
I bought a red eye once but him in my 40gallon puffer tank he never came out during the day but slowly my dp's where being savaged over night & then my 2 sap's & then the red eye ventured into day light atacked my firemouth chiclid & was eaten.

I never got a red eye again.
i have two caves for him the standard light that came with the kit and 4 plants. at the lfs the light was really brite but nothing in it. also im going with a flo light rather then the incadesent. sIm just wonder in if i got a lazy one or hes still adjusting, he just stays on the bottom and drags his belly .
my redeyes were both very nervous at first, much more so than my dwarfs or fig 8's - they were easily spooked by movement outside the tank. they did get more confident with time tho, and will now follow my finger if i move it along the glass
btw theyre in a tropiquarium 68 with dual light tubes.
no, mine are c. lorteti's; is it a target puffer that you have (tet. leiurus)?
well, at least that explains why he's hiding... Tetraodon cochinchinensis is sedentary, territorial and antisocial, but stays relatively small (~7 cm). Aren't you lucky they just got you the one?

it depends on what you want to do. when you were ordering your puffer, did you purchase a "red-eye" or a "carinotetraodon lorteti"? unless you used the scientific name, its a buyer-beware situation. however, there can be no confusion whatsoever between the two species.

i don't see you being able to get the kind of puffer you want without having to give back the puffer you've got.

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