
SworDTail KeePer

Fish Crazy
Feb 27, 2005
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Well guys counted all the fry up that i saw. Saw about 17 or so. I want to know if i can put the momies back into the main tank or not. they still look like they have there spot but i don't know. Please help. :flex:
I removed my guppy mum once she had 28 or so....she was starting to stress out by that stage at all the babies swimming in front of her....she still had her gravid spot I took her out....and 2 days later she still has her spot and doesn't look thin yet!!
Livebearer do tend not to drop all their fry at once, but in intervals, the intervals can be space between hours, days or sometimes a couple of weeks before they drop another load, which my swordtails always do to me, thats why i have given up with trying to put them in breeding traps...

Just keep an eye on her... because it hard to actually tell when swordtails are about to drop unless you know them in and out through their behaviour

Now since my swordtails drop 5 at each interval i let thm drop the fry in the tank and the net them out and put them in a brreding net until they are old enough to go into my breeding tank...

The most fry i have ever had is 23 at once, but i think it was three of my females that dropped at the same time (Yes, i have ONE randy male swordtail)
Well i would like to do that but i have some other fish in the tank and they are giant danioes and they might kill them. Should i take them out and put them in anouther tank?

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