

Fish Crazy
Jun 20, 2004
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NSW, Australia
Hello. As you can probably tell I'm new here. I'm also new to the hobby.

About a month ago I recieved a fish tank for my birthday. I was also given some 'trial fish'. A week later I had one survivor (Pristella tetra) who was coping quite well. After numberous tests and water changes I was finally given the green light to buy more fish for the tank. I purchased 4 neon tetras and a little buddy for my surivivor. Its been two weeks now and they seem fine. However, I've been reading a bit on the net about my fish. I came across some information on the neon tetra disease. The day before I noticed that one of my neons was hanging around the heater more than often. It would just sit there not moving for a while and then swim a little. It does this from time to time. I also purchased a decorative peice of wood which is hollow so they could go inside it. So far, I believe that only one fish has gone into it, and I believe its the same fish (I cant tell between them) that hangs around the heater.

The first symptom of Neon tetra disease is that the fish doesnt school with the other fish anymore. I've also read that the disease can permantly infect tanks. Im a bit concerned for my fish at the moment, and I thought by coming here I could get some good advice (If you need some specs about the tank Ill try and get them).

Is it possible to clean Neon tetra disease out of your tank? I dont have another tank so its not possible to quarantine any fish.

(I tried posting this in the emergancy section but it wouldnt allow me. This isnt really an emergancy anyway Im just concerned. If I am mistaken I apoligize)
YOu know i have never heard of this disease. a few things i would suggest

1) Read the pinned article on Cycling your tank just to make sure this has been done.

2) Make sure you ahve a thermometer and its reading good water temp.

3) If temp isnt close to 80 degrees or so your heater might not be working

4) Many fish school together but sometimes one fish will not school with the others...some theorist think this is instinct to be a decoy for the school of fish but who knows.
I cleaned my tank today and whilst I was removing the filter, heater and thermometer I broke the top of the thermometer. The thing is I barely applied pressure. I just hope that it wasnt faulty and that it didnt leak mercury into my water.

Tetras a school type fish. They usually stick to themselves but sometimes one of the neons gos over to the heater on the other side of the tank. Im hoping that it may just be cold or something. Im pretty sure the heaters working as its winter in Australia at the moment and if it wasnt working they would have probably died by now. Plus my other pristella testra doesnt always group with my other pristella, so I hope you're right.

Im assuming that cycling the tank means helping the tank produce its own healthy bacteria? If so, then I didnt really cycle it. As I said earlier I had 5/6 fish die as there was still ammonia present in the water. After numerous tests I was told that it was suitable clean water so I then bought the extra fish.

Neon seems fine now.

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