Concerned for my mollie


New Member
Mar 14, 2004
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Hi there, I poste da message on Sunday about my mollie who is in great distress. On Sunday she suddenly began almost fitting, bending and curling her tail, floating to the top of the tank and then struggling to return to midway, she just did this for ages until we took her out and put her in a hospital tank with some melafix.

For two days now she has floated perfectly still near the top of the tank by the pump, swimming only occasionally. Her eyes are still very bulged but she is still alive and still eating. I just don't know what is wrong with her. my partner thinks it is a swim bladder problem and I read that fresh food can help or piercing with a needle. Is this correct?

Can anyone help me in my diagnosis and possible treatment, I am feeling very sad for my little fish and I do not want her to suffer any longer than necessary but I just do not know what is wrong... Thanks
regards ammba
:fish: If your fish has got bulging eyes then it has more likely got some sort of bacterial infection.Keep treating with melafix. :D
Are it's scales sticking out from its body like a pinecone?
If they are this is dropsy not swimbladder, if it is dropsy they rarely recover as the swelling is caused by the internal organs breaking down. :sad:
The last thing I would ever do to a fish is stick a needle in it :no: , you will probably kill it.painfully :/
thank sfor your reply, no I definately won't be putting a pin in my fish, I am no expert for a start, it was just some advice given on other messages. Thanks anyway and I will continue giving her the melafix and hope for the best :sad: .
If you dont mind me asking how many other fish did you have your mollie in with??? Also if her eyes are still bulged out it could be fish tb it could wipe out your whole tank. I sure hope that isnt what it is I would treat it with something a little stronger than melafix can you get some maracyn this medicine is great it also has a fish chart in with it that might be able to help you out some to.
Bizarrely the eye swelling has reduced , or because I have finally realised I am looking at her upside down, but mollie remains on her side or back and cannot swim properly or the right way up at all. All the other fish are fine and showing no signs of distress in any way... it has been since sunday so I don't think there is a problem with the tank just poor mollie. :unsure:
ambba said:
Bizarrely the eye swelling has reduced , or because I have finally realised I am looking at her upside down, but mollie remains on her side or back and cannot swim properly or the right way up at all. All the other fish are fine and showing no signs of distress in any way... it has been since sunday so I don't think there is a problem with the tank just poor mollie. :unsure:
hiya, sorry 2 hear that shes not well. sounds 2 me like she had popeye, but treating her with the melafix has made the eyes reduce the swelling and go back inside her head (how their meant 2 be)

im pleased that u treated her propperly with the melafix, jut remember, a 7 day course of treatment of melafix, then on day 8 no melafix, and no water change, then on day 9 do a water change, this sud help her recover faster.

if she is having trouble swimming, u mite wana lower the water level alittle bit, as it will help her gain confendence to try n swim again, cus shes probbabily scared to try swimming incase she sinks n its along way down.

i hope this helps, keep us updated and we will all try our best to help u out!

im pretty sure that it isnt tb, so dnt worry abt that to much, tb usually means the fish will have red/pink ulcers that then try greyish with infection.

the only other thing that i can think of that she mite have wrong with her is her swimbladder. u cud try and buy sum swimbladder treatment, but dnt use it unless ur certain that its wot she has. (u cud try taking her to the shop u got her at and asking them to see wot they think, as thats wot i had 2 do with my gouarmi, and they were very helpful)

Ironically after reading this my molly is doing the same thing she stays on the bottom by the filter.
I'm sure your post was some type of mistake...

I wish you luck - I have tried the melafix, I really liked it but the problem I was dealing with was very different then this. Best wishes. ;)

Please dont pay any attention to what that person said about buying a new one. That mollie should be treated with what you are doing if it helped her eyes. I have read several post about feeding your fish that has swimbladder with peas. Have you tried that it could help. Have you noticed if the fish has been pooping mabey it might be constipated it is just a thought. I would try it and see the peas wont hurt her. Just buy the frozen kind andshell them out and mash them up a little and see if that might help. I sure hope she gets better for you.

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