Concerned About Pictus Behaviour


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Mar 31, 2005
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Norfolk, UK
I've had my one Pictus for a few years now - in the same tank. But (more so lately) I've noticed he oddly only stays in the front left hand corner of my Juwel Vision 180. He hovers mid-level in the water at a 60 degree angle upwards to sometimes almost vertical. The tank mates haven't changed in a long time (apart from actually thinning out and making more room in the tank), and the other bottom swimmers are another Pictus (only about 2"), a Kuhli Loach and 3 Botia Kubotai. I've also had a lovely 3.5" CAE in there for a few years and even though it's never ever showed any signs of territorial aggression, I took him back to my lfs today :/ guess it's best for that fish long term too (and my other fish!).

But anyway, anyone else's Pictus just "hangs" out like this ?

I might try changing the caves around too and see if that makes a difference.....
My pictus do this occasionally when stressed from fighting or tank movements. I hav always put it down to them not being happy.

Some would say they are a greagarious species that need theuir own kind, though the only interaction I have ever witnessed is fighting for bog-wood hidey holes...

The real question would be, "what is he like at night?"
Yeah - that's what I thought - but the tank stays the same and has been for a very long time.

This is the entire contents of the tank - so pretty understocked and non aggressive I'd say :/ :

1 Boesmani Rainbow
1 Molly
1 Whiptail catfish
2 Pictus catfish
1 Kuhli Loach
3 Botia Kubotai
2 Danio Hikari

"Perhaps" he'll settle down now that the CAE is gone. I've also pulled out a huge bogwood cave (under which he sometimes chills with the other pictus and the 3 Botias), to see how/if that alters his behaviour. Then I only have a few Amazon Sword plants in the tank - nothing else. So he's got a fair amount of swimming space if he wants it. But he doesn't use it :(

Edit: forgot to say - at night he just swims around and around in the corner even more. Up and down (as in from the substrate to the top water level) and back non-stop.
Some would say they are a greagarious species that need theuir own kind, though the only interaction I have ever witnessed is fighting for bog-wood hidey holes...

Sorry but i strongly disagree with this.

They are certainly a shoaling species. When we get them in at work in 50s they all swim together, its great to watch.

I have 5 myself and at least 3/5 are ALWAYS together and are very active.

Although I would agree that it sounds like a stressed pictus to me.

Well I've been checking him since the CAE and the large wood is gone - and he's not doing at anymore. Or at least haven't seen him doing it in the past 24 hours. But he's extremely skittish. I just don't get it. *Nothing* has changed. Should I get another pictus ? Is there even room ?

Guess larger tank is the other obvious answer :shifty: but until I find a Rio 300 on eBay to fit into that space exactly, it's not happening.....
If i had your tank i'd get another pictus or 2, 2 more boesmani rainbows and at least 1 more danio, then call the tank finished.

Thanks Ben - I don't really want more Danios :/ I had a group of six, but 4 dropped off from dropsy. Hard for me to believe it's a water quality problem as I change 40-50% weekly but that was before I changed to my external Eheim for better/stronger filtration. Perhaps I should take these two back to the lfs.

Anyhow, yes I'd like to get some more Boesmani's too - I've been keeping my eye out.

Well good to know you think I can add another pictus. I'll do so then :good:
I think 4 Pictus would be far too active and clamour for space, so I'll add more when I can find a larger tank.
Some would say they are a greagarious species that need theuir own kind, though the only interaction I have ever witnessed is fighting for bog-wood hidey holes...

Sorry but i strongly disagree with this.

They are certainly a shoaling species. When we get them in at work in 50s they all swim together, its great to watch.

I have 5 myself and at least 3/5 are ALWAYS together and are very active.

You strongly disagree with what my own fish do? Well, I strongly object to you disagreeing without ever seeing my tank. Ever since they got past 4" I have never seen them swim together (except for one chasing another out of his hole).
Well just to give some feedback on this situation. After a tank re-shuffle and removal of the CAE, things have changed a lot. He's calmed down completely and just cruising around the tank with his fried (the other pictus). They are now happy as Larry :good:
Some would say they are a greagarious species that need theuir own kind, though the only interaction I have ever witnessed is fighting for bog-wood hidey holes...

Sorry but i strongly disagree with this.

They are certainly a shoaling species. When we get them in at work in 50s they all swim together, its great to watch.

I have 5 myself and at least 3/5 are ALWAYS together and are very active.

You strongly disagree with what my own fish do? Well, I strongly object to you disagreeing without ever seeing my tank. Ever since they got past 4" I have never seen them swim together (except for one chasing another out of his hole).

Thats because As i said they are a shoaling species and they need to be in a bigger group that you have. Don't be ignornat Andy, This is a forum, we are all allowed to express our own opinion, and it is mine that your experience isn't what I have witnessed.

Ahhh, also forgot to say: I added those extra Boesmanis too - and they'are all doing well. I'm keen to get another pictus, but am very afraid of over crowding - they are very active fish. This is the tank as it currently is - though the pictus are hiding behind the wood on the back right :rolleyes:


Thats because As i said they are a shoaling species and they need to be in a bigger group that you have. Don't be ignornat Andy, This is a forum, we are all allowed to express our own opinion, and it is mine that your experience isn't what I have witnessed.


I'm glad you told me this is a forum, I've spent the last year thinking it was an inflatable Tuba.

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