

New Member
Apr 14, 2004
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Upstate NY
OK-I have been searching for a Red Chaitika compressiceps and they seem VERY hard to find! I have two gold heads, but wasn't aware that there were darker ones out there, and I am IN LOVE WITH THEM! Anyone out there seem them often at their LFS? Just curious as to whether or not they are popular.... :crazy:
mmmmm....compressiceps :wub: My all time favorite cichlid. Have you looked on AquaBid? You can usually find lots of them there :)
I haven' that mail order? I have yet to do that, and some friends of mine and I were actually discussing it! Oh I just LOVE compressiceps....especially the one I DON'T have (but isn't that always the way) :blink: ??? It's how we keeping buying and buying and buying.....they suck us in! I need these comp.'s though, they will complete my tank! :-(
Yeah, it's mail order. Tons of sellers from around the world. Just make sure the seller is located in your country and then check their feedback ( number next to their name) and make sure they don't have a discouraging amount of negatives. 90%+ positives is a quality seller :)
my lfs has chaiakita golds compressiceps about 5 or so full grown male and female for 49.99 and calvus golds for 15.00

smae as the orange chaitika i think
Yes I have two golds, I like them...but just REALLY love the way the red look (more like a dark brown)~! They would be SO different from any other fish in the tank. They are just rather hard to come by, and I want them young~not full grown. I check out AquaBid, there was an adult pair on there, I will have to keep checking it! :D
If you'd like to take a stab....look up Daytona Aquarium. Yes, I live in Daytona Beach :D He carry's the reds, copper banded, gold face, reg. golds, white calv., black calv, etc. I've got 3 gold face comp. and 2 wh. calvus and will be picking up some copper banded. The only place I know of I'd trust.
my lfs just got a fully grown wild male red comp in hes 75$

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