Rabid Betta Activist
I think on various forums, I've made about a million "completed betta room!" posts. However, I am finally, officially done, since I'm out of space for more rescues. I am up to 13 5g tanks and 2 divided 10g tanks, housing a total of 17 (well, soon to be - I'm waiting on two babies from MBB
) bettas, which is about my limit time-wise as well. All of the fish are housed in my poor little room, leaving me no furniture but for a desk and a bed.
I'm also going to include pics of my three latest rescues (well, two rescues and an impulse buy), Finbar, Tag, and Zion. Oh, and a totally pimp bubblenest that Finbar made, because he's such a stud XD
The main shelving unit. Holds six 5g tanks, and is also where I store most of my medicines and foods.
The smaller shelving unit, holding three 5g tanks, and is also where I store my cups, and a cute goldfish container with some back-up foods, meds, and test kits.
A divided 10g for MBB's soon-to-come babies, and Pitaya. I like to call this the "high court of special needs" stand, because it will be housing all of the deformie bettas who came from breeders.
The final stand, which I just set up today. It has the divided 10g holding the girls I adopted from BettaBum, as well as three 5gs. It used to hold Reebum's 30g tank
Finally, a decent shot of Finbar, who is recovering well from finrot and looking snazzy. He must be feeling pretty darned good, too, because check out the bubblenest he made:
I think somebody wants to be a daddy
. Too bad he's a petstore fish and I don't breed.
Tag, looking mighty bleached out because of this stupid flash. He is actually a silvery/pale lavender hue. He's my smallest male at the moment; I can't tell if he's stunted, small, or young.
Zion, the newest boy, who SHOULD be a CT, but as you can see from the lack of fins dangling anywhere, has a lot of re-growth to do before he'll look like his kind. I just rescued him today. He was in a tank full of fin nippers when I went to my LFS on Wed. I got them to put him in a bowl, but then decided today that I would bring him home since he'd probably just get fin rot in a cold bowl.

I'm also going to include pics of my three latest rescues (well, two rescues and an impulse buy), Finbar, Tag, and Zion. Oh, and a totally pimp bubblenest that Finbar made, because he's such a stud XD

The main shelving unit. Holds six 5g tanks, and is also where I store most of my medicines and foods.

The smaller shelving unit, holding three 5g tanks, and is also where I store my cups, and a cute goldfish container with some back-up foods, meds, and test kits.

A divided 10g for MBB's soon-to-come babies, and Pitaya. I like to call this the "high court of special needs" stand, because it will be housing all of the deformie bettas who came from breeders.

The final stand, which I just set up today. It has the divided 10g holding the girls I adopted from BettaBum, as well as three 5gs. It used to hold Reebum's 30g tank

Finally, a decent shot of Finbar, who is recovering well from finrot and looking snazzy. He must be feeling pretty darned good, too, because check out the bubblenest he made:

I think somebody wants to be a daddy

Tag, looking mighty bleached out because of this stupid flash. He is actually a silvery/pale lavender hue. He's my smallest male at the moment; I can't tell if he's stunted, small, or young.

Zion, the newest boy, who SHOULD be a CT, but as you can see from the lack of fins dangling anywhere, has a lot of re-growth to do before he'll look like his kind. I just rescued him today. He was in a tank full of fin nippers when I went to my LFS on Wed. I got them to put him in a bowl, but then decided today that I would bring him home since he'd probably just get fin rot in a cold bowl.