Compatiblility And Clown Loach


New Member
Feb 27, 2010
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in my 47 gallon i have 3 gourami's, 12 zebra danio's, 4 pepered cory's and was thinking of adding a couple things mabey next week. i was thinking of adding 2 clown loaches, 2 pepered cory's, and like 3 golden gourami's. whats ur guy's idea about that mix??

ps: idk the real name of my gourami's. the 3 i have now are blue. 2 of them look the same with like black lines going up and down on them where the third onde is just pure blue with one black dot on it.
the gold ones in the store were just gold and looked neat ( :
Hi, I think your blue gourami sound like 2 dwarf gourami and a 3 spot opaline gouarmi. With the fish you want to add the cories sound like a good idea you could probs get maybe 4 of them. I wouldnt add the gold gourami as if you put too many gourami into a tank they will fight and I think 6 in there would be to many. Also the clown loaches will grow too big for your tank, I would consider something smaller like yoyo loaches, zebra loaches or polka dot loaches.

A few questions about your other tanks though, the angels in the 14 gallon? Is that long term or is it just growing them out for a bigger tank? Also same question about the leporinus in a 5g? They get huge and pretty nasty at times then need a big big tank eventually like a 6 or 7 foot how big are they at the moment?
the 2 lerpinus are both about 2" and the angels are about 5" and 6". idk what i should do but i originally put leporinus in 47 gallon knowing nothing when i came home witht hem becuase i saw them in with kissing gurami's so figured they were nice fish. when they started attacking my cory's i moved them to the 5 gallon. i always hesitate moving angels in with the 47 gallon as their tetirorial and the 5" will probally eat the zebra danio's. if i can find something to do with the angels i would probally put the leporinus permanatly in the 14 gallon with the only two of them since i have no other tank for them. the 4" angelfish has laid around 5-7 batches of eggs but with no male no resut. i would have returned the leporinus's but i dont have the reciet and they were like 7 bucks each.

thanks about the advice for the gourami's. im going to research more on those other loaches you mentined becuase im never coming home with a fish i know nothing about ever again.
Gees those angels must be pretty cramped in there. With respect to the fish Im sure it would be better if you just took them back without getting money back because all that will happen is them die or get sick. Surely finding a good home for them is worth more than 7 bucks? If you put up some adverts in the classifieds section here you might get a response for them. Just to add to that though, headstanders like the leporinus are known to be aggressive to smaller fish.

Just a thought but have you considered closing down the 10 and the 14 and getting a second tank a similar size of your 47g etc not sure of your situation or age etc but just an idea that way you could move the leporinus and the angels to that maybe with your larger gourami and have that tank as a larger community and the other as a small fish community?
the angelfish were acually the first fish's i ever got when i got started with them, i raised them to that size from smaller then an inch so im not getting rid of them. im not planning on getting any other tanks or any of the tanks. im 14 yrs old and on a budget so i cant get that much stuff. i do know leporinus are agressive to things smaller and bigger, they will start with smaller fish and end up killing them. with bigger fish, they will fin-nip them ALOT, especually slow moving fish like angels. plus the size that the leporinus do get they will end up killing the angels. idk what im going to do yet but i will figure something out. after i make the 14 gallon more planted, i think the angels wont grow much bigger but will be happy. im going to leave the leporinus's in there for now.

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