Compatible Tank Mates For Shrimp?


Jul 28, 2011
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I've though of keeping shrimp in the near future and was wondering if they can be kept with fish? I've read the shrimp care guide that most fish may eat the shrimplets or attack them during their moulting stage.

If that's the case, is it better to keep just shrimp in the tank? I'd like to have some fish in there though...
Yes you can keep them with fish, just those that aren't big enough to eat them.
rule of thumb - any fish that can fit a shrimp in its mouth is NOT okay.

Small tetra or rasborra would be fine. Neons or harlequins for example.
There is always a tiny risk with just about any fish, as most fish could fit a shrimplet in their mouths. However, the chance of it happening is small. I've found that the tiny shrimplets remain hidden, as do the moulting shrimp until they are safe to emerge without being eaten. The fish in my tank (harlequins and glowlight rasboras) ignore the adult shrimp when they swim past them, and they never really look for the shrimplets in the plants.

If you have loads of plants, then with most small fish you can be almost completely sure that the shrimp with be fine. :good:
Hmm does that mean tiger barbs and swordtails are out of the question?

I wanted another tank for shrimp but may just not be allowed to :/
Hmm does that mean tiger barbs and swordtails are out of the question?

I wanted another tank for shrimp but may just not be allowed to :/

It depends entirely on what type of shrimp you want to keep. Dwarf shrimp(cherry, bee, crystal red etc) shouldn't be put with fish that get larger than 2.5 inches generally speaking. Amano, ghost, bamboo, vampire, etc can be safely put with larger "community" fish. There are 2 exceptions that I am aware of personally. Pearl shrimp(3 inches) and Red Rhino shrimp(2.5 inches) should NOT be put in a tank with fish larger than 2.5 inches because both types of shrimp do not move fast enough to get away from fish and will be pecked to death.
Tiger barbs will peck at them constantly, I would say its a no.

Yeah would be surprising if they didn't. I doubt I'll be getting shrimps any time soon. They're really pricey over here! :eek: Thanks for all the help though :) Will remember that the next time I consider getting them!

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