Compatible fish


New Member
Oct 28, 2004
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Hi everyone. i have a question. i have a tank wich measure 90cmx38cmx30cm and i have a 2" bristlenose plec and a 4" electric blue crayfish. what should i do with my tank?? i am looking for 2 or more large showfish. i am just wondering if anybody has any suggestions or ideas!! all info welcome!! hope to hear from you soon!!!

Fish and crayfish do not mix well, the crayfish will eat any fish small enough to catch and anything too large may attack the crayfish.
Pearl gouramies and a large shoal of phantom tetras or harlequin rasboras or some three-spot gouramies and a school of danios :p but you shouldn't realy keep the crayfish in there... Get a smaller tank and put it in there with a few snails and some plants or something. If you take out the crayfish, you can add almost any medium-sized fish that are peaceful enough. The bristlenose should be fine with most fish. You may also try five or more tiger or rosy barbs and a red tailed shark (I think those do ok together) and the plec should be ok too. The shark would appreciate large-leaved plants to rest on.

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