Compatible Fish Suggestions?


New Member
Feb 26, 2006
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Hi there. I've owned an aquarium for almost four years now, and recently a couple of my fish have reached old age and died off. I'm now left with a single (surprisingly gentle) golden gourami, two keyhole cichlids and five neon tetra. They still seem pretty content, but since my two angelfish and other gourami died, the tank has admittedly become a little drab. I'm not thinking of getting any angels again, since I feel as if the tank community seemed a little stressful with them constantly attempting to hunt down my tetra, so I was wondering whether anyone could suggest a less aggressive yet colourful species to brighten up my aquarium.

My tank is a Fluval 80x35x45cm (Volume 110 litres). I've had it a while now so I'm not sure whether those are the exact measurements, but they're around that amount. It has a gravel substrate (large, pebbly stones that unfortunately gather algae rather quickly) and I only use plastic plants at this moment in time, but will happily invest in real plants if a new species would benefit from them.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated, and if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask! :)
i would up the neons to 8
get 8 corys or 2 bns or 4 upside down catfish

and then what other fish are you looking for you could just get a big shoal od neons or another shoal of tetras or rasboras or do you want a few bigger fish like some mollys or bigger tetras.
Really, I'm looking for a couple of larger species, although I do like the look of corys. From past experience, my gourami doesn't take newcomers lightly, but as they grow larger, he will leave them alone, which is why larger species would be more suitable.
On the other hand, it may look nicer to perhaps get a couple of other tetra species. Will different tetra species shoal together?

EDIT: Sorry, my mistake my tank's measurements are Width 61cm / Height 42cm / Diameter 35cm. Just checked. :)
maybe have a look at some rainbow species, maybe dwarf rainbow (preacox) or bosemani depending on your bioload and tank size - cant work it out off the top of my head, but AquaAdvisor is quite helpful as a rough guide, so look at your stocking levels there :good: . Heres the link:
maybe have a look at some rainbow species, maybe dwarf rainbow (preacox) or bosemani depending on your bioload and tank size - cant work it out off the top of my head, but AquaAdvisor is quite helpful as a rough guide, so look at your stocking levels there :good: . Heres the link:

Boesemani get too large for 110l tank because they need to be kept in groups of 6 or more, but the dwarf neon rainbowfish (M. praecox) only reach 2 inches and you can easily fit in a group of 6.
thanks for the correction drobbyb :good: . i wasnt sure of the size of bosemani rainbows :rolleyes: which is why i mentioned the bioload and tank size :good:
Thanks for the help guys. I used the advisor tool you linked, and once I had entered the desired fish (including six dwarf neon rainbowfish) with my tank dimensions, the percentage of my tank was 24% stocked, which is great. I really like the look of the rainbowfish, so thanks a bunch!

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