Compatibily Qs


New Member
Jul 10, 2004
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I have a 20 Gal. tank that has

1 rubber lip pleco
1 blue dwarf gourami
1 redtailed shark
1 angel fish
3 small zebra tetra things.
1 african dwarf frog

I was thinking about adding a couple of black mollys and I was wondering if they would be compatible with the fish I already have or if i should just get another gourami. Also will adding salt to the water hurt my other fish? Do mollys constantly give live births because i dont want anymore fish in the tank. thanks

:hi: to tff

first off, i dont recomend red tail sharks because they cause alot of problems and kill fish during the nite. and molyls will be fine,they dont always need salt and if u dont want babys get more males then females or no females at all.
hey thanks a lot. But how do i know if my mollys need salt or not? Would the salt hurt my pleco?
Salt won't hurt your pleco. I would add it slow, like two teaspoon per day. I have a ten gallon tank with male and female Sailfin Dalmation Mollies, 2 females and one male 3/4 black tailed guppies, 2 cories, and a pleco(oh and my recent additions-ten 3/4 black tailed guppies and about 35 sailfin dalmation mollies)

My mollies like the salt water, my cories like the salt water, my guppies like the salt water, and more importantly to you, my pleco likes the salt water.

Saltwater is also used to keep diseases away like ich and fin rot and other nasty things. It's a preventative. Good to use anyways

Sorry rambling, bottom line, your pleco will be fine with the salt

Lakota :alien:

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