

Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Bronx, NY
I have a few bettas around in separate bowls.. The other day i started a community tropical tank in which i am curious if i can add the betta too.. Just one male in a 30 gallon along with 10 neons, 5 black neons, 3 swordtails, a pleco, a small catfish, and 3 small cory's.. What do you think? Will the betta clash with anyone? The only fish im really worried about is my mail swordtail.. They might clash.. Otherwise i dont see why there would be a problem.
There might be trouble with the swordtails, and neons are known for being fin nippers... however, some people keep neons with bettas without a problem. You can try, but just watch carefully and be prepared to pull Mr. Betta out if it doesn't work out.
Generally you don't want to put a male betta in with any aggressive fish, fin nippers (neons) or fish with long flashy tails such as the swordtails. If your male betta seems to have a generally good natured temper, I would put him in and see, but if the neons harrass him, or he attacks the swordtail then take him out. I have a male betta in with 2 platies, 4 guppies 3 swordtails and 3 cories, and they all get along, so its really luck.

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