Compatibility Question


Fish Fanatic
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
UK - Surrey
hi everyone by the looks of things iv just finished a fish in cycle, im going to check stats for a few more days, if stats remain ok im looking to buy more fish, i have platies (and fry) and guppies

my partner wants to get 4 glass catfish as there shoaling fish, also were wanting to get tetras, would ram cichlids be compatible with all these fish?? if not why not so i no what to look out for when fish hunting in future, would any cichlids be compatible if these arent?

im the cichlid lover lol
thanks in advance, Rach :)

Tank size: 200L
PH - 6.5-7.0
Ammonia - 0
nitrite - 0
nitrate - 5-10
Rams, German blue, gold or bolivian would be fine with your stocking, or apistogramma's would be good too.
yay thankyou :) someone that has just started fish keeping looked into it and said i couldnt so i thought id check because i love the colour of them and the fact they look after there young :) thanks hun

also how do u say/pronounce it as im about to phone my LFS to see if they have any in stock? dont want to embarrass myself lol
I don't quite understand, ram is also the word used for an adult male sheep. Although the common name was derived from the scientific name microgeophagus ramirezi. But your lfs might call them different names. Bolivian rams go by the names: royal red, royal red ram, royal ram, red ram, bolivian butterfly, red butterfly, royal butterfly etc. Blue rams (also called german blue rams) may also have butterfly as part of their common name.

Ram as in wham. Boh-liv-ee-en. A-piss-toh-gram-ah. Sick-lid.

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