Compatibility Question


Fish Fanatic
Jul 10, 2007
Reaction score
New York State
Can I keep different species of clowns in the same tank if they're tank bred? I will post a list of what Clowns I would like to put together later tonight, or tomorrow morning.

How does this sound for stocking my 55 G, SaltWater tank?

2 Ocellaris Clowns - Tank Bred.
2 Teardrop Ocellaris Clowns - Tank Bred.
2 Black & White Ocellaris Clowns - Tank Bred.
2 Tomato Clowns - Tank Bred.
1 Blue Damsel.

Thanks in advanced for your help. If you have had a fish that you say I might like suggest it please.

no- you need a large tank 200+ gallons to house multiple pairs, you would end up with only one pair of tomatos(most likely) or ocelaaris
If you add them simultaneously, the tomato and one pair of ocellaris would be fine, but 2 pairs of ocellaris is a very bad idea.
How does this sound for stocking my 55 G, SaltWater tank?

2 Ocellaris Clowns - Tank Bred.
2 Teardrop Ocellaris Clowns - Tank Bred.
2 Black & White Ocellaris Clowns - Tank Bred.
2 Tomato Clowns - Tank Bred.
1 Blue Damsel.

sounds like a free for all royal rumble :rip:
i think it means the about of agresssion and hostility in there will result in a similar wwe fight style, winner takes all!
for little things clowns are massively agressive to conspecies! and as for the damsel there meana be agreesive things too!

u may want to consider some differernt species. dwarf angels, gobys, wrasses, firefish etc.
If you add them simultaneously, the tomato and one pair of ocellaris would be fine, but 2 pairs of ocellaris is a very bad idea.

How is this for stocking?

2 Ocellaris Clowns - Tank Bred.
1 Teardrop Ocellaris Clown - Tank Bred.
1 Black & White Ocellaris Clown - Tank Bred.

i no im not skifletch .. but im sure he said 2 pairs of Ocellaris are BAD, and again theres 4 there. again a free for all between the clowns!
and again clowns are very aggressive towards conspecies. surely you should consider other options. or if you do go for it i wish u luck and hope you dont loose too much money doing it.
unfortunitly even though you like clowns and damsels doesnt mean you can put them together, unless your getting all of the same kind of clowns you cant mix the species or they will kill each other, and as for damsels they are very aggressive to any other fish. so what everyone is trying to tell you is that you really shouldnt do it cuz its a waste of money for you and its not going to be fun watching your fish kill each other...... dont do it
2 Ocellaris Clowns - Tank Bred.
1 Teardrop Ocellaris Clown - Tank Bred.
1 Black & White Ocellaris Clown - Tank Bred.

There's only one possible way this COULD work... I'm by no means reccomending this, but it's the only way I know it could work.

- First, all clownfish must be present at the LFS at the same time
- Second, they must be sold in larger groups at the LFS. Meaning, each species of clownfish must be in a tank with many of its brothers and sisters (think 10-20 of each)

If that is the case, then if you buy the smallest clowns possible, you've got a chance. Purchasing the smallest will ensure that all would be immature males (as are all clownfish that are born). Then once the 4 are in your tank, the largest will naturally develop as a mature female and the 2nd largest as a male, leaving the other two to be immature males. Longterm, I have to be honest, I have no idea what would happen to the immatures. They could be bullied to death, or they could do fine, I dont know.

Either way, I want to make absoloutely clear that while this combination is perhaps possible, I do not take responsibility for reccomending it to you. I would certainly never try it myself, so take that for what it's worth
you can only have one pair of clownfish in a small tank

u may want to consider some differernt species. dwarf angels, gobys, wrasses, firefish etc.

I like the Clowns, and Damsels.


P.S. Thanks for the Help.

you could pick on species and have a pair of those, and then pick some other fish
i have two nemo clowns.. they were in the tank for about 2-3 months... i then went out and purcahsed two more of the same clowns and of course smaller then the two i have in now and it still took awaile for the four to accept each other.... clowns are very picky with there territory and other clowns
If you add them simultaneously, the tomato and one pair of ocellaris would be fine, but 2 pairs of ocellaris is a very bad idea.
be prepared to rip your whole tank apart and catch them if it doesnt work out...

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