Compatibility Of Shrimps?


Fish Crazy
Aug 5, 2008
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Are shrimp compatible with 2in tetras and rasboras? I feed them freeze dried and frozen stuff all the time and they just rip it apart, would they leave the shrimp alone?
My Cherry shrimp live in my community tank with Harlequin Rasboras and are breeding well still, give them lots of moss to hide in if they feel threatened and they will probably be fine.
What species of tetra?

The rasboras are likely to be safe as rasboras are generally very small and not capable of eating adult dwarf shrimp.
I have amano's with tiger barbs and polkadot loaches and they were never hassled. Not even when they were teensy little shrimplets and could have easily been eaten. The other tank inhabitants just never took any notice. And now that the amano shrimp are about 1.5" long they sometimes will chase the fish away from sinking tablets, grab the tablet and swim off with it to hide behind the wood and be greedy!
So I would imagine small species like tetra and rasbora would be fine.
What species of tetra?

The rasboras are likely to be safe as rasboras are generally very small and not capable of eating adult dwarf shrimp.

lemons, 6 of em
i have some serpaes in another tank that are pretty rowdy and i dont think id put shrimp in with them
also, what about cories?
would all these bottom dwellers get along?

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