Compatibility of Amano/japonica shrimp


New Member
Apr 10, 2005
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United states Southern California
I posted this in the beginner section and i didnt get any responses so i thought i would put this over here in the chit chat section

i have a 29 gallon tank and my ph is about 8.1from tap and maybe a little lower around 8.0 in my tank. I currently have
2 rosy barbs
1 zebra danio
1 blue ram
2 angelfish
2 small tetras
1 platy
2 frogs

can i add these shrimp without significant fear of my barbs(i am guessing fully grown about 2 inch body) or my half dollar(body) size angelfish.

The 2 small tetras, platy, and 2 frogs are owned by my brother but i cant seem to convince him to buy a tank to put them in so for the moment atleast they reside in my tank.

Does anybody have any experience with these guys and whether they would get along with my fish. While i am asking is $2.00 US a reasonable price for one
OK well, are your angels pairs? How old are they? Because i think only 1 angel should be kept in a 29 gal with other fish, unless they are a pair. Is your tank planted? Are there lots of hiding places for the shrimp? Well, id worry about the barbs and angel fish, but otherwise i think they would be ok.
Well they arent a pair as far as i know i bought two of them when they where quite small and they have both grown quite a bit in these last few months if its a compatibility issue they seem to get along great they are the same type, i believe they are siblings since all the angelfish that where in the tank at the store where the same white with gold tint on top and same size.

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