compatibility: electric blues and yellow labs


New Member
Mar 5, 2004
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San Diego
What is the compatibility between electric blues and yellow labs? What are other good ciclids that go with these kind? Can I put clown loaches with them? Also what other fish would be good in my 60 gallon? I am just starting out so I'm really not sure about anything yet. I still have some time since I haven't cycled my tank yet.

please help
Not sure about the labs but my e.blues live with clown loaches ;) I'm sure somebody will come along shortly and make some suggestions for other fish that would go well.
Thats great to know because I really wanted some clown loaches in my tank. I wasn't sure if they could live with african cichlids or not. I'd still like to know what else would be compatible in this tank though. There is so much to learn for a newbie....
There's so many different cichlids, it's ridiculus :lol:

What makes the clown loach so durable is the fact that they're equipped with a set of 'switchblades' under their eyes. If they feel threatened they can defend themselves :nod:. My e.blues never even mess with the clowns though, the clowns keep to themselves and do their own thing.
Melanochromis Johanii, if that is the electric blue being referred to, should do just fine with Lab Caeuleus. They are pretty aggressive, but not terribly so. There is a long list of mbuna that can go well with them in that tank.

Like Cynotilapia Afra

or Maylandia Estherae

or Pseudotropheus Socolofi

etc. etc. ;)
check the pics on my link in my sig.. I think thats what I had.

Whatever that PURPLE fish was :) refuse to call it blue...
It kicked the crap out of the E Yellows... but I think it made some mutts with them...

It was the most beautiful fish I have ever had... after the dragon wrasse :)

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