compatable fish


Fish Fanatic
Oct 31, 2004
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hey wassup? can any1 give me a fish set-up? i got 5 giant danios already but i want my main fish 2 b a ram or 2, i have a 29 gal. in my fish set-up i want an algae eater 2 go w/ everything (a good 1). im maintaining my temp at 76/77 and my pH at 6.5. evrytime i learn sumthin new i write it down, im takin my new hobby pretty seriously lol so im up 4 the learning experience, any info any1 could pass on would b greatly appreciated. thanx
Check out the profile for Rams in the Fish Index section. Do a search for Rams in the New World Cichlids forum.

I have a 29-gallon planted tank and added two Rams on Monday. I just love 'em :wub: Last night, I posted a couple pictures of them in the Member's Aquarium and Fish Photographs forum. Also in the 29-gallon, I have Neons, Otos (for algae), a SAE (for algae), one Guppy, Kuhli Loaches and Corys.

aka Married Lizard :wub:
rams are slow gentle feeders so i dont think they'll go well with the boisterous giant danios
Yep - it's not the rams you need to find tankmates for, it's those giant danios. I wouldn't add rams to that tank. A BRISTLENOSE pleco and a few rosy barbs would be better. You could also try the bristlenose with some swordtails (keep only one male though). Another option would be a single red tail black shark with those danios and nothing else. The last, IMO, would be the most interesting.

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