

Fish Fanatic
Jul 29, 2004
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I've been looking into all sorts of fish that I might eventually get, and I wanted to see which, of my possibilities (and some I already have) are compatible.
Here's the list:
Clown Loach
African Brown Knife
Striped Raphael Catfish
African Butterfly Fish
Dwarf Gourami

I know, I know...I'll need a big tank. :/ And I probably won't get all of those anyway. I just wanted to see if there were any I would have to eliminate right off the bat. I wonder if I just have too many bottom-feeders there.
Well, you decide and lemme know anything you think I need to!
I've reasearched each of the fish, some more than I pretty much know the basic stuff (for instance, I don't plan on adding guppies to this tank :crazy: )
knife might be a prob, and ropes you should have a cpl of them as they tend to be social (or as social as polypterides go) or a different species of polypterides -Anne
Only one id leave out would be the dwarf gourami, the African butterflies wont like sharing the surface with them for one and secondly nearly all dwarf gouramis are riddled with fish TB due to inbreeding and mass production.
GuppyDude said:
all looks good, but if by butterfly fish u mean angel fish then they wont get along wit gouromis
Pantodon Buchholzi THis still won't get along with surface dwellers though. I had an african brown knife, which recently died. He was fine with a Butterfly fish, and a ropefish. He was getting beat up by a geo though. Are you sure you want a striped rafael? My dad had one for a few years and I don't think either of us ever saw it unless we looked with a flashight when the lights were out :p
lol! I hope if I get one it's at least visible some of the time... :/ But I'm prepared to take my chances there. I might, however, take out the gourami...don't want it to get beat up by the angelfish....
So if I did get this arrangement set up (I currently only have a 20g tank running, so you can be sure this isn't happening anytime soon), what size tank do I need? In this case I'd probably have 1 of each of the fish, except the loaches (I would have 3. maybe 5). Each of these fish needs, I think, around a 55g tank minimum, except the dwarf and the angelfish, and maybe the raphael. But to keep them all together? I really just want to know a bare minimum here. I know we all love to suggest 300g tanks. :drool:
Thanks again for all your help!
Where did angelfish come in? Weren't you getting a butterfly fish? I thought Guppydude was talking about the cichlid and corrected him. Srry if you got confused. Leave out the gourami. It seems like whenever I look in the emergencies section there is always a thread or 2 about sick/dieng dwarf gouamis -_-
dwarfs said:
Leave out the gourami. It seems like whenever I look in the emergencies section there is always a thread or 2 about sick/dieng dwarf gouamis -_-
Yeah, I was one of them in the past few days. My dwarf died of Bacterial Hemorrhagic Septiemia and fin rot. Never had a problem with my 2 opaline males though.
sry about that....i didn't mean to type angelfish...serves me right for not proofreading that post. :D
Yeah...I'll definitely remove the gourami from that list.
But how big of a tank would I need to house all the rest? Let's assume there're only 3 loaches.

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