Compatability Question


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Isle of Man, UK
I have bought a new tank while my parents are away, only a 40L. Don't have any more room with my other tank and animals lol.

My question is, can corys live happily with cherry shrimp? I was just thinking, they're both on the bottom. Will corys eat the shrimp? I have spent most of the day making things to go in tank. Built a bridge type thing with stones and a cave with rocks behind. Planning on covering that with moss. My tank is currently cycling, so just throwing ideas around for stock at the moment. I have 8 little platy babies in my 19L tank downstairs and want to put them in there for a bit more swimming room now they are a fairly decent size! No room in my 120L.

Was thinking

8 platy (from downstairs fry tank)
4 corydora - not sure of variety at moment. I have albino and pepper in my 120l
possibly some sort of tetra shoal
very possibly cherry shrimp.

Would I be pushing it with this stock??

Juwel Vio 40 tank for layout if you want to see floor space!

TIA :) xxx
Corys won't bother the shrimp at all.
I have cherries in with mine & have loads of shrimplets thriving
For stocking, assuming the fry will be moved or rehomed as thy get older, I'd say 6 pygmy corys and 6-8 ember tetras or micro rasboras.
I've been looking into this myself and can't Find any one that's had problems keeping Cory's and rcs together.

As for stocking I have no idea as I'm new to all this myself. But what I would say is that it's always advised to keep cory's in a group of six or more.
8 full grown platys would be too much for a 40 litre.
I'd go with Pygmy corys half a dozen small tetra species, ember or neons, or 6 Cpd's, or micro rasboras such as boraras brigittae
& a couple of shrimp, if cherries, remember they will breed quite readily, so don't have too many to start with
Thank you :) Will look into suggestions!! The platys will be moved when they are bigger to my grandads tank :) xxx

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