Company for Platy


Apr 1, 2004
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Cheltenham (UK)
What would make good company for a single male platy? 2 female guppies? 3 few tetra or neons?

Any advice welcome :)

What size tank is it in? Do you have the ability to accomodate fry?

2 females to 1 male is a good ratio of fish.

You can keep a wide variety of fish in the tank, as long as it's not overstocked. All of the fish in my sig get along great together, so if you choose to get one of them, it'll be fine with the platy.
I have a 5 gallon tank...

Thinking of either adding 2 female guppies or 3 tetra or neon.

Oh yeah. Neons are tetras. They're called neon tetras. But I'm guessing you mean other types of tetras.

Sorry. Well, if you have or will get more tanks for the fry or don't care if they get eaten, then two females would be a good addition. However, you can't add more fish than that. Maybe an ADF and ghost shrimp as well. :D
The best company for your male platy would be two female platties. If you dont want the fry then try other male livebearers or the tetras would be fine (there are so many nice ones :D ), a cory might be alright. my platties are always playing with the cories.
Good luck with your decision and remember to get what YOU want. :)
keep in mind that tetras are schooling fish and do best in groups of 6 or more. in that small of a tank, another platy or two, or a male guppy (more colorful than females.... and its hard to find just females, but if you can, go for it), or a molly or two. an adf might be nice, or a snail of some sort. maybe a couple of panda cories since they stay nice and small.....................
I say some female platies or some guppies for company,Maybe NEONS or Cardinals :/ :unsure: :D I go with some females :) :thumbs:

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