Company for oscar

Fish milk

New Member
Nov 6, 2004
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I would like an oscar but have a few questions on company for him/her. I gather from what I have read so far 2 males would fight would 2 females fight or is it better to get company of a diffrent fish ( bala sharks or silver dollars)Since I cant sex the fish I am not sure it would be worth having to take one back if they were 2 males any opinions on this would be gratefully recived.
They would go in a 5 ft tank minimum looking at getting a 6 ft.
first off the bear minimum for 2 oscars is 100 gals and i dont think they would fight
and some companions would be other new world cichlids of their type, like Jack Dempseys maybe some convicts. or maybe some tinfoil barbs,

It really depends on what you're aiming for.

Many people enjoy sticking a bunch of aggressive cichlids in a tank, but personally I like to set up a nice aquarium. A single Oscar, a schoal of tinfoil barbs, some catifsh, and whatever decor pleases your eye would make a nice environement.

If you do decide to take this route, keep in mind that the Oscar will grow much faster then the other fish, no matter what size you get the O at, you'll want to purchase the rest at a decent size.
freddyk said:
It really depends on what you're aiming for.

Many people enjoy sticking a bunch of aggressive cichlids in a tank, but personally I like to set up a nice aquarium. A single Oscar, a schoal of tinfoil barbs, some catifsh, and whatever decor pleases your eye would make a nice environement.

If you do decide to take this route, keep in mind that the Oscar will grow much faster then the other fish, no matter what size you get the O at, you'll want to purchase the rest at a decent size.
umm,a SHOAL of tin foil barbs? they get to be like 8-9 inches long i think.... wouldnt want much of a shoal with that big of fish
dwarf_dude a 5ft tank is more then a 100gallons i'm not sure what gallon a 5ft tank is but i know a 4ftlong2ftwide2fthigh tank is a 120gallon.

fish milk 2 oscars would fit nicely in a 5ft or 6ft tank you could a pleco and a salmontail catfish in with them they make good company and if the oscars did decide to pick on them they have something coming cause the pleco and salmontail catfish have spikes. silver dollars are also good but watch it some oscars don't like them i know my sisters male oscar doesn't.
Thanks for your help. I did not really have a paticular tank in mind freddyk I would just like an oscar and wanted to Know how to keep him /her happy, I am a bit daft and like animals / fish to have company but obviosly it isnt always best to keep 2 off the same fish if they will fight and I hate to rehome them so did not want to get 2 if I would end up buying another large tank. Don't think husband would be to happy either if I fill ther house up with tanks , we are building an extension so we can have a large tank already. thank you again for your advice.
I've got 6 tinfoil barbs in my 110 gallon, 5ft tank. They range from 4" to 6". They are very active and a great addition to a new world tank IMO. The bigger they get the slower they grow, so while I expect to eventually begin reducing their numbers (with the intention of keeping a trio in the long run), that time is still far off.
yeh I.D sharks will grow wayy to big 2 oscars and maybe some convicts or firemouths will look cool :nod:
i really dont think the male female thing with oscars matter, 2 oscars will fight thats that, sometimes it more serious than other times, i see no problems with territorial agression though :nod:

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