Company For A Boosemani


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
I have an adult female boosemani rainbow which i've had in a 180l community tank for the past 2 years. She's been getting on fine on her own but i was wondering would it upset her if I get her a male mate. I know rainbows are very peaceful and shoaling fish but I don't want to upset the fact she has been on her own for so long.
boesemanis will be fine together there may be some disturbance at first but im sure it will calm down in a few days and she will enjoy the compony
If you plan on adding a male can I also suggest you get one more female too, if he decides he wants to get jiggy and your current female isnt interested, he might stress her, at least with another female he can share his passion :)

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