

Fish Herder
Feb 1, 2005
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can anyone give a good selecton of fish,for my new 32g tank i'm getting
must include kribensis,because they are my fav,would just like a good
community tank,where most get on together.
cheers scotty :crazy: :thumbs:
maybe another pair of ram/apistos :nod:
a school of 10-15 small-medium tetras
maybe 5/6 cory catfish maybe more
2 or 3 honey gourami

maybe reduce the amount of tetras i mentioned and then you're set :nod:
cheers for that,so that about the maximum number of fish i can get
in my 48x12x15inches tank? luvely part of the world u live in,spent nine months there!
metfan why dont you start your own topic? Sorry but this is scottys topic and instead of stealing it start your own. As for answering yur question scotty Id go for chain loaches instead of corys because I just pefer loaches of corys. I would defintly go for the rams, I just love mine. You can really get any tpye of schooling fish, danios, tetras, barbs, etc. its more what your pefer.
cheers for everybody's advice.i know this might seem a bit stupid,but i really don't know what kinda fish rams are!!sorry
FrAnK3333 said:
metfan why dont you start your own topic? Sorry but this is scottys topic and instead of stealing it start your own.
Criminy! How about this: metfan you might get more responses if you start a new thread with your question. :)
Rams are small neotropical cichlids - microgeofagus ramirezi being the most common. There are two species commonly available, the german blue/gold rams which like softer, more acidic water and can be fragile, and the hardier but also somwhat more aggressive bolivian rams that do well in slightly harder water. I personaly preffer the bolivians because they seem to have more cichlid character but both are nice. Do a google search or check the pictures forum here for photos.
Scotty...I have two German rams. Gorgeous fish with a fascinating way that they move their when a dog perks up and lifts its ears. Be sure you have/keep good water conditions because they can be sensitive. Mine love shrimp pellets. I also have Congo tetras and they are supposed to be great with Kribensis. Good luck Scotty. SH

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